PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS JULY IO, I974 Crown Land Camping - continued was chosen as the pilot area. This area can generally be defined as being from English River eadt of Ignace, west to the Manitoba border, and from the International boundary to north of Red Lake and Pickle Lake. Regional and district staff of the ministry prepared a detailed implementation program in- cluding the areas to be covered in the pilot program, the location of designated camping areas, the number of sites in each camping area, costs and staffing. This will not apply where commercial and provincial parks already meet the need. This general principle of controlling Crown land camping and the detailed plan for implementation of a pilot program in Northwes- tern Ontario were presented to the Northwest- ern Region Advisory Committee on Natural Re- sources in Kenora in March, I974. The commit- tee was asked to consider the proposal, rec- ommend changes, indicate the period of the year during which it should be applied, rates to be charged, or recommend alternative solu- tions to the problem if they thought the Min- istry's approach was wrong. The Committee unanimously endorsed the pil- ot program proposal to be instituted in the Northwestern Region in I974. Because it is a pilot program no fees will be charged for this first year. It is anticipated that there will be a charge to non-residents for the orivilege of camping on Crown land in I975. ONTARIO EXPERIENCE '74 Four programs sponsored by the Ontario Youth Secretariat's student summer employment program, Experience '74, will hire students in Terrace Bay this year. Ontario Experience '74 consists of twenty component programs designed to provide summer employment to students living in areas where there is not a large industrial base. The programs operate through the various ministries of the Ontario government in co-oper -ation with local agencies and organizations. The jobs provided by the various programs are experience oriented to allow students to use their training and skills. SWORD (students working on resource develop- ment) will hire students in Terrace Bay through the Ministry of Natural Resources to do road clean-up, data, and census work. Youth and the Law will have one student work -ing on a 'day to day basis with police in Terr- ace Bay. The student is paid and sponsored directly by the Ontario Police Commission. aEEHESEvYL.LOD 3 1 [HZ VEINHOAVY ACROSS 5. After- IN| 1 [Q[AN[VIN[ | M 1. Railway RooR 1 WIA station «+ party = 3 6. Garb for 6. French FLAdAAS New Holmes term of 3QVHSHEVYAQ39 11. Créme-de- endear- JVIN SVE 3 la-créme ment 12. German 7. Lash, as S[3IN| I [A[3|d]VH 9 city witha (o)t=1"4 13. Vintner's whip (2 AV3AFTOVILNITA term (2 wds.) INQOvHE3L | [13 wads.) 8. Cockney MOO 10Id 3a 15. Nigerian cavity 3 tribesman 9. Wing 21. Finnish 35. Service- 16. Mysteri- (Lat.) lake woman ous news 10. Syllable 22. Egyptian 36. Words sources for plunk president from 23. Vaporize or choo 25. Soccer a 24. Part of a 14. Contrib- great witness ; rug uted 27. Mata Hart 37. Nega- 26. Famous 16. Batty; 28. In the tive Swedish moon- know 38. Smid- tenor struck (sl) gen 2%. Word 17. Spools 30. Flail 39. German with eye 18. Tenny- 32. Chris of article or lamp son's tennis 40. Incense- 29. Brewery Enoch 33. -- ment creation 19. Rocket Society 41. Never 30. Football site (German (Ger.) pass 20. Greek religious 42. Moslem 31. Musca- letter sect) Easter tole nick TE EEF Ss [7 [8 3 [° wds.) 34. School in |!! 12 Virginia (abbr.) 13 14 35. Entertain a client 15 (3 wds.) 43. Bedeck is [11 [ie [19 [20 21 22 44. Eagle's nest 23 24 25 45. Terra -- 46. Engen- 26 27 128 der; nur- ture FT) 30 DOWN 1. Zoroastri- 3 32 [32 an demon 3% 2. Samuel's 3. mentor 35 [36 [37 38 [39 [40 [41 [42 money (wife's al- [43 lowance) 4. Baseball [45 46 great One student will be hired in Schreiber at the Public Library in a Library Youth Project under Youth and the Arts. Youth in Action, a shared cost program be- tween the Ministry of social services and spor -ts and recreation bureaus will operate two projects in Terrace Bay and two in Schreiber. In Terrace Bay one student will be hired in the "Pre-School Educational Program" while two students will work for the "Youth Summer Camp" project. continued page 9 ... CROSSWORD PUZZLE TODAY'S ANSWER