JUNE 26, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS FATHER'S DAY ZODIAC TEA The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #223, Terrace Bay held a Father's Day Tea on June I6th. Many families turned out with Father on his Special Day to feast on a delicious sel- ection of mouthwatering Pies and Desserts. Horoscopes were presented to everyone at the door and the Hall and tables were decor- ated with flowers and the signs of the Zodiac. Pourers for the Tea were Branch President, Forbes Cruickshank and Branch #223 only First World War Veteran, Ed Cavanaugh pictured below. OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUTH PROGRAM Dear Citizens: Schreiber has been the recipient of two Opportunities for Youth Grants for the summer of 1974. As you saw in a previous paper, one of these programs involves Recreation. The program we will be working on involves the History of Schreiber. During the summer months, we will be collecting artifacts for display purposes, and we will compose a book- let on the subject. We hope to contact the people of the comm- unity for interviews,stories and any artifacts that they may wish to loan or donate to us. We invite any interested people to contact us if they have anything to contribute. We appreciate and look forward to any suggestions concerning our project. Yours very truly - Kevin Scott, Debbie Cook, Darlene Fummerton, Linda Huard, Debbie Zborowski. BY HELEN ALLEN Wk ms i ee kd Er] _ THE TORONTO 51) N] SYNDICATE Jon perhaps looks sceptical of something or somebody in his picture, but this 6-year-old is not normally suspicious. In fact, you are looking at a friendly, sociable youngster who likes people and gets on well with his classmates. He is particularly good and patient with younger children. Jon is French Canadian in descent and French is his main language. However, he speaks English too, so he can go to an English home if a French family is not available for him. Strong, healthy and sturdily built, Jon has brown eyes, dark hair and fair skin. He wears glasses for astigmatism. Jon is active and loves Tough games, especially wrestling. He likes camping and can hardly be kept out of the water. Coloring, cutting and pasting are all fun for Jon, and of course he is fascinated by small cars. Because he is a lively fellow who playse hard, his toys don't last very long. Though Jon is happy in kindergarten, it seems unlikely that he will shine academically. He needs a family who will appreciate a pleasant, helpful, co-operative son and will not be demanding about academic achievement. To inquire about adopting Jon, please write to Today's Child, - Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. For general adoption information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. HE IS BILINGUAL TODAY'S CHILD