FAGE Id TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE I2, I974 art Trek - continued with planning. This course will begin the : ; week of July 2. - all ages, all interests. We are working to- gether with Terrace Bay as well; Art Trek will te here August 9 and I0, in Terrace Bay August 72 and 13. Schreiber people may have four days f Art Trek if they wish. LW SLAYGROUND SPORTS PROGRAMME : Shane Walsh, Patricia McGrath, Kirk Fischer ard Donna McGrath are pleased to announce that we applied for and obtained an Opportunities for Youth grant to run a playground/sports pro- gram this summer. We've received the co-oper- ation of the Lake Superior Board of Education, the Schreiber Town Council and the Schreiber Recreation Committee to help us with facilities and materials. We are going to attend leadership training courses in Dorion and Marathon the week of June 24. We hope to learn a lot of things there which will help us run a better program. The first playground session will begin July 2, for children 5-9. There will be two sessi- ons daily. Children can either register for the morning session (9:00-I2:00) or the after- noon session (1:00-4:00). If you are register- ing in the swimming program, please take the afternoon playground session. The registration fee for the playground pro- gram is $I. This will help to cover the cost of materials used in the program. We plan to offer a varied sports program, arts and crafts, hikes and other exciting ac- tivities. . For further information call the Recreation Office 824-2325 or any of us. The second session, which begins July 29, will be for children aged IO to IS. WOMENS' FITNESS '74: : We-Deb Smith, Janet Lengyel, Pam Winters and Judy Lengyel, applied for and received a Youth- in-Action grant for a Womens Fitness '74 pro- gram. This is an opportunity for all Schreiber women over the age of I6 to come out and keep fit through the summer. We've planned a few activities including yoga, gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, ex- ercises. But we are looking for suggestions from the women of the community as to what you- 'd like to do in the program. The program will run all summer on a once or twice a week basis for all the various groups. If you are interested, contact any of use or the Recreation Office 824-2325 for further in- formation. Registration forms are available at the Municipal Office, the Recreation Office or from any of us. We would like the registration forms to be in by June 21 so we can go ahead LEARN TO SAIL: The Rossport Recreation Association is pl- eased to be able to offer the Ontario Sailing Association Mobile Sailing School again this summer. The School will be held in Rossport June 24-28. There are morning, afternoon and evening sessions; you may register for one of them. The course is designed to teach proficiency in the fundamentals of sailboat handling and * and gives people a chance to try sailing with- out investing dn sailboat equipment. Registration fee is $I5. for adults, $IO. for students under I8. Forms are available from Mr. Chuck Wilde at the Lake Superior High School, Schreiber Campus. For further information call Mr. Wilde at 824-2471 or the Recreation Office 824-2325. U.C.W. RECESS FOR SUMMER The United Church Women enjoyed a turkey dinner in the Mayfair Hotel, prior to their June 5 meeting, the last before their summer recess. : They returned to the Church Hall for the meeting with Mrs. Lilian Christie presiding and Mrs. Inez McCuaig as acting secretary in the absence of Mrs. Bern Whent. Mrs. Nellie Gerow of Pinewood Court was wel -comed as guest. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Margaret Spillane and Mrs. Annie Niemi. Mrs. Norma Fummerton, convener, reported plans for a turkey dinner to be served at a wedding are arranged, with Mrs. Margaret Nes- bitt, Mrs. Annie Niemi, Mrs. Margaret Spillane and Mrs. Aili Lehto to assist her. Girls will be asked to serve. It was agreed that in future at wedding dinners the servitors must be provided by the bridal party. : The financial statement was adopted as read by Mrs. Nettie Thrower. Notice was made of the visit of Rev. Gordon Daley and Mr. Hugh Garnett of the Cambrian Con ~-ference to St. Andrew's Church on June I2. Many thank-you notes were received and Mrs. Spillane reported sending I3 cards during the past month. . After considerable discussion; taking into consideration the increase in food prices, the present method of serving the smorgasbord at the Fall Fair, it was decided to not have the meal this year. Instead, to concentrate on the Food booth and home baking counter. A penny auction was then enjoyed & tea served.