PAGE IO TERRACE BAY NEWS JUNE 12,1974 Bowling Wind-Up - continued Buckley, Audrey Trodd, Freda Knight, Leona Fournier. Consolation Winners: T.B.B.A. trophy pre- sented by Wally Cameron to Whent's, Bern Whent captain, Mary and Elton Fummerton, Sylvia and Naldo Stortini, Paul Buso. Ladies Night League - Hot Dogs, Marg Sim- mer, captain, Nancy Evoy, Inge Deutscher, Mitchelle Borsa, Dora Garvin, Maureen Costall, Karen Latour. Ladies Afternoon League - Hurricanes, Eva Connors, captain, Sheila Montey, Helen Almos, Marg Pedersen, Adeline Daley, Anna McKie. Presidents and Special Awards were present- ed by Jim Figliomeni to Jim Mooney, Lynda Wil- 1s, Marg Pedersen, Sheila Parent, Don Burton, and Joe Figliomeni. 300 and 325 Pin Awards: 300 - Danny Imbeau- 1t, Dorothy Tilbury, Eva Buckley, Inge Deut- scher, Marie Jean, Marion Reid, EV Boutilier, Kay Furyk, Wally Cameron, Pat Burton, Myra smilaky, Rose Halone, Clarence Buck, Joe Fig- liomeni, Lloyd Hiebert, Paul Buso. 325: Adeline Daley, John Gross, Cosimo Commisso. Congratulations to all winners and a spec- ial thank you to donors. RECREATION NEWS MINOR BALL - 1974: The Minor Ball programme I974 gets under- way tonight, June I2th, when both the Inter- national and National Leagues see action. All schedules have been circulated to team players These schedules indicate time and date of gam- es as well as player personnel. The Minor Ball schedule will look like this All games at High School Ball Field (Athletic Field): Mondays 6:00 p.m. International League 7:15 D.m. National League Tuesdays 6:00 p.m. American League 7:I5 p.m. Girls' League Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. International League 7:15 p.m. National League Thursdays 6:00 p.m. American League 7:15 p.m. Girls' League Players should be on time for all league games and if you cannot make a game, let your Captain know. League schedules will go into. the first week of July. If there is sufficient interest and enough coaches available to help, all-star teams might be formed for the duration of the summer. SWIMMING PROGRAMME : - shortly to the schools. Initial plans are being made to open the : pool on Saturday, June 22nd, for public swim- = ming. This, however, will depend on the wea- ther. Registration forms are in the process of being made up, and will be distributed This year due to the | increased cost of operation a registration fee will be necessary for the swimming instruction -al programme. This fee has been set at $I.00 a month per individual or $2.50 a month per : family, and should accompany the registration form. 3 The swimming pool staff for the summer is as follows: Pool Manager -- Lynn Black, Assis--- tant Pool Manager - Teresa Ramsay, Head Life- guard Instructor - Geraldine Belliveau, Life- guard - instructors - Cathy Buckley, Nancy Bouchard, Cindy Thompson, Cashiers - Teresa Falzetta, Janet Roberts. Volunteer lifeguards will be needed for the open swim sessions. If you would be in- = terested in helping out, please leave your name at the Recreation Office. The Recreation Office has received a "Yout -in-Action" grant from the provincial govern= ment continued page II ...ccecee ALL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19th 7to1 P.M. "REFRESHMENTS "ORCHESTRA IN OBSERVANCE OF "SENIOR CITIZENS WEEK" JUNE 16-22 THE REEVE AND TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF FOR ALL SENIOR CITIZENS AN ENTERTAINING PROGRAM WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE EVENING SO COME OUT ALL YOU SENIOR CITIZENS AND ENJOY THE FUN. :