MAY 8, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 FLOWERS OF HOPE CAMPAIGN MAY 12 - 18 May I2th to I8th is National Week for the Mentally Retarded. " SO? " - Nearly 83% of all mentally retarded people are educable and can be helped to grow into useful, happy members of the community and will have a considerable amount of self-sufficiency. --- SO? " - You an average Canadian citizen have some safeguards against having a mentally retarded child. ra - Your thoughts - "I haven't the time to read all this bunk!" - Mental Retardation is the commonest of all childhood disabilities. - Your thoughts - "Oh come now, is that not a bit strong!" - There is a test give ' a culture known as "The Parsis" in India. These people only marry their own kind. Their religious title is Zorations. Gener- ations of imbreeding have caused a high in- cidence of such hereditary illnesses as diabetis, epilepsy and certain heart diseases. - Your thoughts - "So what can be done to safeguard against mental retardation?" I. Get an anti-rubella vaccine for yourself and your children. 2. Couples should have their blood tested for RH factor incompatability. 3. Negroes should be screened for sickle-cell trait. 4. 'Avoid any except prescribed medication during pregnancy. 5. Be careful of household chemicals such as weed killers and pesticides. cont'd page 6 automatically at our McCausland Hospital for PKU (a deficiency of a liver enzyme) which can be corrected if found in time. - Tests administered within a few days aft- er birth can disclose this and about 30 other less common conditions of chemical inbalance in time to correct them. - One in five birth defects are inherited, one in five are acci- dental and three out of five are caused by interaction between heredity and environ- ment. - As a general rule, a condition that has never previously occur- red in a family will not occur in the chil- dren. A condition carried in the genes of both parents how- ever is more likely to crop up in the child- ren. For this reason societies tradionally have forbidden marriage between relatives who may share a common gene pool. An example of a common gene pool is if there's anything advertised in today's paper you'd like to own, remember who can help you buy it. Postponing special purchases ... unnecessarily? Like buying a new car, making home im- provements. Or going without family holidays and other good times. Equity in your home is the difference between what it's worth and what you Call P.B. "Phil" Lee, Winnipeg St., Schreiber 824-2411 JAVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES REALTY LIMITED Homeowners: owe on your mortgage. We at AVCO are experts at helping you turn part of your equity into cash. It's easy. It lets you enjoy some of the money you put into your house yesterday to get the things you need and want today. :