APRIL 24, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I3 L. Christie Honoured - continued The servitors at this party were Mesdames Dennis Connelly, W.A. Mullins, W.T. Wallace and R.G. Macadam. Mesdames Donald Green, Burton Phillips, A.S. Gordon, R.B. Simon and W.J. Handel, replenished] Laurie Christie opened the gifts for her grandmother. Mrs. Christie originally from St. John, N.B. came to Schreiber in I956 from White River and intends to remain here, with of course forays of visiting in Deep River, Toronto and Califor- nia where her sister lives. : : W.I. ANNUAL MEETING "At their annual meeting on April I9th the Schreiber Women's Institute elected the follow- ing slate of officers: Mrs. Ann Todesco, Presi- dent (re-elected); Mrs. Norma Fummerton, first vice-president; Mrs. Marion Yates, second vice -president; Mrs. Winnie Clemens, secretary; Mrs. Christine Morris, treasurer; Mrs. Winnie Campbell, District Director and Card Secretary; Mrs. Kitty Whitton, Mrs. M. Yates and Mrs. Eunice Bolan, auditors. Standing conveners appointed: Mrs. Yates -- Pennies for Friendship project; Mrs. Annie Niemi, Family Affairs and Consumers; Mrs. N. Fummerton, Agriculture and Canadian Industries; Mrs. W. Clemens, Citizenship and World Affairs; Mrs. E. Bolan, Public Relations; Miss Edith Clemens, Education and Cultural Affairs; Mrs. A. Todesco, Tweedmuir History. Mrs. Mavis Slater presided for the election of the new officers. Members answered the roll call by paying dues and donating to the Cancer cupboard. The motto for the evening was "Learn Throu- gh Experiences and Religion to face Life's Realities with Courage and Enthusiasm". The first place, in the discussion of curi- ent affairs, went, of course, to the Schreiber continued page I4 SEARCH AND RESCUE THE LOCAL SEARCH AND RESCUE UNITS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE LAKE SUPERIOR WILL CONDUCT TRAINING SESSIONS COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, MAY 1st 7:30 P.M. LAKE SUPERIOR HIGH GUEST INSTRUCTOR FOR FIRST SESSION IS ROBERT MILNE, EXECUTIVE OF THUNDER BAY SEARCH AND RESCUE TOPIC: S & R ORGANIZATION, SEARCH PATROL, AND EQUIPMENT FOR 3-DAY SEARCH SESSIONS ARE OPEN THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE TO ATTEND - BRING A NOTEBOOK AND PENCIL BOARD OF EDUCATION scHooL (TERRACE BAY) TO ALL RESIDENTS