JANUARY 23, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE .7 Ni%9s oiling leagus w eonsiuved CROSSWORD PUZZLE M. Reid 218; C. Buck 200; Jim Figliomeni 248, TODAY'S ANSWER v 209, 243; A. Stortini 2I5; L. Figliomeni 2II; HER CE Joe Figliomeni 2I9; W. Cameron 24I, 225; M. VILS AVININN Jean 200; R. Imbeault 260, 2I3; P. Buck 208, ACROSS 2 Incented SIS 3ISINIO 209, 200; L. Hiebert 243; C. Commisso 239; De = Ee M. Fummerton 232; P. Buso 269, 219, 235; 5. Soho so cuckoo SELON S SY D. Tilbury 206, 2I4; D. Garvin 2I5; D. me pina SN JOD Imbeault 2I9, 234. gin 6. Candlenut |[KINVWIAIVIW x 11. Fleece tree fiber JVVIROIS 12. Popular 7. Cigarette LIdV[FHAWOD3[d] "old song ingredient SIVIH[SE | NV] | STORK CLUB (4wds.) 8. Acexrdi- TIVIL Slild pS cy Xi. Taro roet Damme 19. 0M days 33. Global' Born to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore of sonality 10. Som 20. Bookie 34. Symbol Terrace Bay, a boy on January I7th, I974. 16. Joma ET Lr NE dread of rank (2 wds.) contrap- ~~ 21.Seaeagle 35.4thof 20. Chronicle tion 22. "Last July event 23 Uptothe. 13. Word with, Supper," 36. hail, SCHREIBER CANCER SOCIETY minute farmer 0. duende' SER 1 PENNY AUCTION PV han 16. Calendar 26. How (Biblical y : You abbr. awful! es sp.) 17. Poker 28. Congo + ---- COMPOS MONDAY, JANUARY 28TH Glad re tribe mentis » 18. Organ 30. Criticize 39. Certain 7:30 P.M. - TOWN HALL : Ln 31. Maxim trajectory Proceeds to go to Amethyst Home - Door Prize = 27. Hostelry [112 5 T% LR 28. Withdraw ; one's 9 10 1 v support / 29. Norman 2 = 13 DON'T BE A 4 oe 2% Ba piay , 4 5 SITTING "Qa vis Cae 32. English 16 7 [18 |i19 ef 7 river DUCK 33. Working 20 [21 [22 23 \ 4 beast ON YOUR YL) bo ®Yordan [7 iy ordan ie f YA\ play CT 58 (ews 40. Unboun 75 pd 0% 41. Error's 7 partner 33 | 42. Quad- p b ragesima (IZA .. Get all the deductions 13, Wit you've got coming! DOWN 40 % BLOCK men kage: COMPLETE 1. Boat- .- 7 ul fri --and WE are always swain's hunting ways to a RETURNS whistle you money. Protect ; yourself by letting BLOCK prepare your 3) ; VE return. Qur service is up yx quick, reliable and guaranteed accurate. Ow aim audtn 1973 GUARANTEE ' ES) Q ; We guarantee accurate preparati f t turn. IVE Ee If we make any errors Cig gel Ru RL rn. CA IVR BRA Sy & terest, we will pay only that penalty or interest. : ; ' nr [BD ques BPISHING LTD. 3 Canada's Largest Tax Service With Over 6000 Offices in North America @e\ a NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ma (FA) (4 {<a e IE, BB 207 MAIN STREET SCHREIBER 20 SOUTH COURT STREET OPEN 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. PHONE 824-2075 (next to the Paramount Theatre) NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY THUNDER BAY 'P', ONTARIO TELEPHONE 344-0413