DECEMBER 5, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 7 Sports Slants - continued highest scorer last year, Marcel Dionne, has yet to score a goal? - Philadelphia is leading the NHL west, like I predicted, and Chicago is second, also the way I picked it. The rest of the league is kind of hairy. I mean, whoever thought the Minnesota North 'Stars would be struggling to get out of the league basement? And what about those Atlanta Flames? Here they are, their second 'year in the league, fighting tooth and nail with Chi- cago for second place. Also, Los Angeles Kings. I picked them for fourth spot and here "they are in a three-way battle with Minnesota and California (aaargh!) to see who'll occupy last place. Check with you again in January and see how things are going. . SPORTS SHORTS: Rumour is that former U.S. Vice-President Spiro Agnew, who was disgraced by the American people, is pondering the idea of going into the football business. Seems ol' Spiro and Frank Sinatra (0l' buddies from way back) were in Chicago recently and there was speculation the two were there to make their bid for a franchise in the still-to-come World Football League. Word is that Sinatra and Agnew want to invest in a team for Los Angeles ... Speaking of the World Football League. This Gary Davidson, originator of the league, which is scheduled to get under way next July, must be a smart cookie. He started the American Basketball Association and it's a success and he also formed the WHA, which, although not all that stable, could force the NHL to merge and, most important, forced NHL team owners to pay through the nose for their players' talents LADIES AFTERNOON BOWLING Standings as of November 28/73: Tornados 77; Gems 7I; Hippies 68%: Hurricanes 64; Ho Boes 62%; Alley Cats 62. Games over 200: I. Ellacott 2I8; D. Whitton 206; M. Smilsky 205; M. Glad 282; S. Dakin 200; J. Hall 209; L. Mercure 23I; L. Fournier 237, 211; E. Boutilier':207,.:231;:M. Reid 215. Top bowler of the week was Millie Glad, who took high single with handicap 364, and high triple with handicap 873. White Ash is an ideal wood for baseball bats and tool handles be- cause of its strength, stiffness and smooth wearing qualities. CHRISTMAS 'AHAPPY NEW YEAR bial IS 11lustrated deal. Model 889 7 $5495 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO. Model 0617 Matching portable DRYER available. Spadoni Bros. Limited $179.00 PHONE 824-2549