PAGE 1I2 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER I4,I973 MORRILL REUNION The Morrill family, children of the late Edwin and Alice Morrill held a week-long fiesta, ending in a dinner and dance, to mark their first reunion. Family memkers and relatives from out of town attending the happy event included Mr. and Mrs. Earle Holmes (Doris Morrill) of Pow- ell River, B.C.; Dr. Stanley Morrill, of West Vancouver; Miss Doris McParland, of Calgary; Sister Judith (Judy) McParland of North Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Edson Morrill of Ajax, Ont.p Mrs. Gladys Christie of Nartford, Conn.; Mrs. L.C. Buswell, of Stafford Springs; Conn.; Greg Morrill of London, Ont.; Gerard and John McGrath of Thunder Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Morrill of Red Rock. The Schreiber family members included Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose McGrath (Erie Morrill), with Morgan McGrath; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McParland (Phyllis Morrill) with Terry and Kelly McPar- land; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Morrill with Brent Morrill; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Redins (Maureen Morrill) with Tina, John and Marty; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McParland with Tammy McParland. The following neighbours, when the family were growing up, and other old friends - Mrs. Ted Wilson Sr., Mrs. Russell McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Art Moorey, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. John Spillane, Mr. and Mrs. John Power, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McParland were invited to the dinner. : The week-long celebration was a series of house parties, going from home to home and filled with tender and amusing recollections of childhood days. The final evening, in the town hall, was enjoyed by over two hundred with out of town guests including Mr. and Mrs. Norman Langoius, of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Weaver, White River Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Costall, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McBride, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Raoul Fournier and Miss Frances Cooke Terrace Bay; Mr. Danny McGrath, Thunder Bay.- 'Brothers - Dr. Stanley Morrill, Edson Morr- ill and Ralph Morrill. Photo by I. McCuaig. REBEKAHS HOLD INSTALLATION Mrs. Lil Harris, New Noble Grand; Mrs. Elsie Mork, Installing Officer and Mrs. Gladys °' Photo by I. McCuaia Hamilton, New Vice Grand. Mrs. Glorie Miller, N.G. and Mrs. Lil Harris, V.G. presided for the regular meeting of Ruby Rebekah Lodge, preceded by a buffet supper when the guests were the in-coming and out-going officers, and Mrs. Elsie Mork and her installation team from Greenstone Lodge, No. 86, Thunder Bay. New officers installed were Mrs. Glorie "Miller, junior past noble grand; Mrs. Lil Harris, noble grand; Mrs. Gladys Hamilton, vice grand; Mrs. Beth Macadam, recording secre -tary; Mrs. Helen Wallace, financial secretary; Mrs. Bern Whent, treasurer; Mrs. Winifred McKechnie, warden; Mrs. Eirene Harness, conduc -tor; Mrs. Agnes Bryson, musician; Mrs. Shir- ley Brown, color bearer; Mrs. Mary Legault, R.S.N.G.; Mrs. Edith Ibey, L.S.N.G.; Mrs. Dora Weaver, R.S.N.G.; Mrs. Norma Fummerton, L.S.V. G.; Mrs. Connie Martin, outer guard; Mrs. ° / Ileene Williamson and Mrs. Christine Morris, scene supporters. Mrs. Lil Harris presented Mrs. Mavis Slater and Mrs. Mork with corsages and the gift of a tray to Mrs. Mork to mark her visit to Ruby Lodge. Mrs. Hamilton presented the past Noble Grand Jewel certificate to Mrs. Glorie Miller. Mrs. Harness reported purchasing dishes for the kitchen cupboard. Following the meeting refreshments were served by Mrs. Gladys Hamilton's committee. Annoying? There are few things in this world that is more annoying than having someone continue talking while you are interrupting!