PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS - OCTOBER '31, 1973 Board of Education Meeting = continued Correspondence from 0.S.T.C. indicated no Educational Conference exclusive to Region I would be held. : The Director of Education and three dele- gates will attend the ©.S.T.C. Education Con- ference in Sudbury on November 8-I0, I973, and use the Board car for transportation. Tentative selection indicates that R.A. Cressnan, H.J. Boudreau, M. Reid, and A.S:. Gordon may attend. Correspondence from 0.S.T.C. detailing recent new legislation re: Re-Investment of O.M.E.R.S. Funds was read. The Director is to reply providing support for 0.5.T.C.'s Posit~- ion on the matter. ~ Correspondence from The Ottawa Board of Education re: Timing of payment of monies by municipalities to the school board was read and disgussed. The Director is to write to Reliable Life Insurance fcr clarification of paragraph 3, pace 8 of the master policy. Should the Com- pany not take steps to more clearly delineate their pclicy on transporting insured students, it is recommended by Trustee G. Fairservice that this Beard contract a different firm to underwrite student accident insurance in I974- 75. Saturday, February 23rd, 1974, at Manitou- wadge Public School, the first "Let's.Talk Education" meeting will occur. Agenda details will be issued in early February. The appeal by the Municipality of Marathon of the 0.M.B. decision on Assets and Liabili- ties has been postponed to November. The Lake Superior Board of Education will purchase a membership to the Ontario Municipal Recreation Association at an annual fee of ten dollars ($I0.00). : ; Trustee H.J. Coe requested that incidental furnishings in schools receive attention at the next Board meeting. : Trustee R. Weeks requested that at the Nov- ember meeting a list of tax arrears eligible for write-off be presented. Trustee J. Warwick requested that the month- -ly Items of Interest to Trustees indicate the total school enrolment. The next meeting will be at Manitouwadge Public School, Saturday, November I7th at 10:00 a.m. The meeting adjourned. The first Parents' Night, for Lake Superior High School 1973-74, will be held at the Terr- ace Pay Campus November 6th from 7-2 p.m. and at the Schreiber Campus, November 7th from 7-9 p.m. in the gymnasium of each school. These occasions provide parents with the opp- ortunity of meeting with faculty members to discuss their son - daughter's progress. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE SCHREIBER CITIZEN'S RINK COMMITTEE 1972 - 1973 OPERATING SEASON, RECEIPTS TOWNSHIP OF SCHREIBER ADVANCE $1,500.00 Hockey Games 5,230.25 Skating Regular Skating Sales 578.81 Season Ticket Sales Skating 300,00 Tce Rental Schreiber Minor Hockey Assoc. 692.00 Tce Rental Schreiber Fig, Skating Club 368.00 Tce Rental Separate School 130.00 Tce Rental High School Carnival 40,00 Ice Rental for Scrub Games 30.00 Proceeds from Heated Room 156.10 Rink Rental During Sept. IC0.00 Bell Telephone Co. Commission 1.53 Change Float to Ticket Sellers 56.00 $9,182.69 Balance Nov. Ist, 1972 26.61 $9,209.30 Receipts $9,182.69 Disbursements 7,520.36 Surplus 1,662.33 Signed W.A. Campbell, Chairman P.R. Bailey, Secretary-Treasurer DISBURSEMENTS Wages for Rink Mgr. Rink Rats- Ticket Sellers, and Treas. $2,186.36 Extra Help for Hockey Cames 189.0C Cost of New Furnace (W. Sadowick) 808.75 Schreiber North Stars Hockey Club 3,202.30 Advertising Terrace Bay News 15.40 Receiver General of Canada Deductions 105,71 Rink Supplies (paint material, shovels, etc.) 58. 5k Freight Charges 3.90 McCuaig Electric new light wiring 28.90 Refund to Sch. Figure Skating Club 10C.00 Kinsmen Club (amplifier equipment) 200.00 Charges for ice scraper & opr. 100.00 Schreiber Minor Hockey Assoc. 25.00 Bank Charges 6.50 $7,520.36 BALANCE SHEET Se Sr Ld Bank Balance Nov. Ist. 1972 YN 26.61 Surplus Sept. 30th, 1973 $1,662.33 Bank Balance $1,688.94 Bank Balance Sept. 30th/73 $1,688.94 Book Balance Sept. 30th/73 $1,688.94