TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol. Ié6 No. 42 October 24, I973 I5¢ Per Copy COUNCIL HONOURS SAILING ENTHUSIASTS As mentioned in last week's Council Quotes, Township Council honoured Charlie Wise and his crew for their recent competition in an inter- national sailing event. Pictured above are Lyle Nicol, Charlie Wise, Reeve Roy Bray and Bill Megraw, Jr. Reeve Bray made the presentation of Township Pins: : stressing the point that these awards are treasured by the town and not handed out free- ly. The following is a write-up prepared by Councillor Megraw regarding the event. Chas Wise, Bill Megraw, Jr. and Lyle Nicol aboard the 'Lightening' class sailboat "Three Islands" participated in an annual internation- al regatta on Lake of the Woods, sponsored by the Lake of the Woods International Sailing Association (L.O.W.I.S.A.). 1L.0.W.1.5.2. is comprised of a group of Canadian and American sailing enthusiasts whose objective is to promote international fellow- ship by means of an annual regatta on Lake of the Woods. Organization and running of this continued page 8 ...... TELEVISION PRODUCTION WORKSHOP A Television Production Workshop, under the guidance of the Ontario Educational Communica- tions Authority, was held in the Public School, Terrace Bay, recently, with adults taking the course at night, and older students during the day. The Workshop van is a large mobile unit op- erated by the OECA. It is equipped with a wide range of ETV equipment, including cameras switchers, special effects, % inch and one inch videotape recorders, and black and white and colour receivers. The primary purpose of the van activities is to promote and develop the participants awareness and critical judgement of the tele- vision medium. It also provides them with experience in using TV equipment as a teach- ing and evaluative tool. It provides them with experience in the processes of TV pro- duction through the use of studio and control equipment... Each group, is oriented toé the facilities available and briefed on the planning and presentation of a simple TV program. Members of the production team such as the director, cameramany*per formers, etc., are selected by .and from each group. A black and white program approximately five minutes in length is then conceived, scripted, taped and evaluated by each group during the course of the workshop. Photos page. 8 jue ssc vs vniss Last weeks Duplicate Bridge winners were: North-South - Ed Kennedy and Carl van Eeden; East-West = Alice Chepelsky and Edna Ramsay.