[rem-- SPORTS SLANTS MINIQUIZ - By Ray Shank ' eT -- on banada's Gréat People ~ BY RAY IRELAND What daring airmen made our nation's first bush flight in 1920 (Winnipeg -- The Pas) by completing the final 89 miles of their gruelling 500-mile, 2- day trip all because of the generosity of a Chinese - laundryman who gave them some gas? your week ahead sy or. aw. om Forecast Period: October 14 to October 21, 1973 ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCHILD June 21 - July 22 LEO July 23 - Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 - Dec, 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 Most members of your sign could go through this week -- far too preoccupied with thoughts of physical properties. One other thing, don't change your romance pattern. . Unexpected help is coming your way. Keep one thing in mind, aid from the opposite sex will have strings attached. A showdown, that's not necessarily an open break, should take place. Your chart clearly indicates the consequences to be extremely favorable in the long haul. This week's cosmic cycle brings a strong warn- ing. From this point on, take a good hard look at your surroundings. You're involved in a situ- ation that needs objective analysis. In some cases a lie might function as well as the thruth, you think! You face .a period of stretching facts. You're wide open for "get rich schemes" and easy payment plans. Tighten your hold on a buck, during this week's cosmic cycle. Look for long hidden enemies to make overted moves. Prepare for the defense of your job, task, mission or project. Guard against com- plicity. For most members of your sign, there will be a couple of bad, very bad days. Then, comes the silver lining -- it's all that simple. Your insight, E.S.P., intuition or whatever, is at a high frequency. The point? It's an excellent 'time to play your hunches. Unknowingly, it's possible for you to betray the confidence of a friend. How? By discussing his or her personal problems at large. Don't waste time, it would be a good idea to recruit friends and allies. Wear your best face and gesture; you'll need support from affluent persons. If there is such a thing as 'passing the buck" being justified . . . this week would be the ideal time. You might be the victim of an associate's blunder. PERSONALITY PROFILE For your Sun Sign Analysis, send the day, month, year and place of birth, plus $1.00 for postage to Dr. Andrew W. Damis, P. O. Box 12766, St. Petersburg, Florida 33733. Montreal Expos' I973 season is history now and, really, the logical thing would be to start talking hockey or football, since both those winter and fall sports are in full swing. : But I have to write one more column about the Expos, due to the fact they came so close to winning that crazy mixed-up National Leag- ue east division championship. They gave it their all and, while not topping their divis- ion, played a big part in eliminating the de- fending champion Pittsburgh Pirates (they beat the Bucs 6-4 in their second-last game of the season) . A couple or three weeks ago I mentioned that Expos had drawn over I.4 million fans for home games this season. I stand correct- ed. They actually drew I,246,863, which is closer to I,3 million. Do you realize, though, that that figure (1,246,863) was higher than IO other teams in either the National or American leagues. The Expos outdrew the two American League teams who made it to the World Series playoffs, Oak- land Athletics and Baltimore Orioles. They also outdrew Cleveland Indians, Milwau -kee Brewers, California Angels, Minnesota Twins, Texas Rangers, Atlanta Braves, San Di- ego Padres and San Francisco Giants. And New York Yankees, who led the American League east for a good portion of the season and once the biggest name in pro baseball, drew only 20,000 more than the only Canadian team in major league baseball. That, in itself, shows that, while the Expos wound up with their fifth consecutive losing season (79-83) since joining the National League, provided an entertaining brand of ball for their fans. ~ Their 79 victories this season was six bett- er than any other season and only two short of what their manager, Gene Mauch, had predicted a couple of months ago would be enough to win the eastern crown. Mauch, by the way, was only one out in his prediction. New York Mets took it with 82 wins and 79 losses. The Expos had a wonderful season and deser- ve a tip of the hat for their fine efforts. Although they finished fourth in the standings, they were a mere 3% games behind the Mets, one behind the third place Pirates and two behind second place St. Louis Cardinals. Hail the Expos. Watch for them next year. Betchabuck they take it in '75 !!! continued page 5 ...... BE I a RT rer