SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II Senior Championship - continued ...... Scores for the eighteen holes were as foll- ows: D. Gunter 49, 47 for 96; R. Sinotte 60 59 for II9; R. Colton 55, 54 for I09; B. Lohr 49, 47 for 96; C. Van Eeden 50, 46 for 96; C. Buck 48, 52 for 100; G. Puttock 50, 57 for 107; B. D'Arcy 52,51 for. 103. POT LUCK LUNCHEON OPENS L.A. MEETING There were I3 members present for the fir- st fall meeting of the Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Church. The meeting opened with a Pot Luck Luncheon, " with Grace said by Mrs. Mary Chadwell. After a delightful luncheon, President Mrs. Hilda Hiebert welcomed all the ladies and as- ked Mrs. Lil Harris to read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Harris stated that the bandages for lepers had been mailed to India. A trip is planned in October, to visit the Carolyn McMorland School for the Trainable Retarded in Marathon. Members are asked to save small berry baskets, brightly coloured bulky yarn, and items for the scrap books, which are presented to the children at the school and are greatly appreciated. STRAND THEATRE TERRACE BAY, ONTARIO PHONE 825-3771 Mon. 24 Tue. 25 Wed. 26 thi. 27 71 28 su. 29 FROM THE JUNGLE TO THE GYM... HE'S THE GREATEST! WALT DISNEY Productions' 3 0CT. 1, 2, 3 - LADY MADONNA XXX The President noted that the Baby Care room, used for small children on Sundays, when parents attend Church, is in need of continued"page I2 ........ TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN RRR THE TORONTO SIUJNN] SYNDICATE Ask John what he is most interested in and the quick reply is electronics. But that's not to the exclusion of everything else. John, just turned 13, has a keen imagination which is reflected in his art work and essays at school. He is also interested in theatre where he shows real creativity. A good-looking lad, John is Anglo-Saxon in descent. He has light brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin plus a few freckles. John has been attending special education class and will probably go to vocational school in the future. He is a sensible, happy, confident student who works well and enjoys it. Only occasionally does he require a push. Camping is one of John's pleasures. He is interested in most sports but not overly enthusiastic. Swimming is his favorite. He enjoys his association in Scouts. John is accustomed to children and he gets on well with people of all ages. He needs a family where there are not many other children and where the mother and father are warm, en- couraging people who will give him motivation to do his best without pressuring him. If the father has a bent for electrenics, so much the better. To inquire about adopting John, please write to Today's Child, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. For general adoption information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society INTERESTED IN ELECTRONICS