PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS EE : z MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McBride of Schreiber" are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter Geraldine to Mr. Lawrence Doucet of Schreiber on September 4th in the Terrace Bay Community Church. Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber. Doucet will reside in NOTICE TO EQUIPMENT OWNERS For "Winter Maintenance Operations, 1973-74 Season", the following Equipment is required: TRUCKS ~ with minimum G.V.W. 27,000 1bs., suitable for mounting power sanding units, are required at the following locations: Atikokan (2) Nipigon (2) Beardmore Pearl Blake (Highway 61I) Shabaqua Kakabeka Falls Upsala Kaministiquia TRUCKS - Tandems, with a minimum G.V.W. 42,000 Lbs., suitable for mounting power sanding units, are required at the following locations: Beardmore Pearl Geraldton Rossport Ignace' : Shabaqua |, Lakehead Expressway Terrace Bay Nipigon Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Min- istry will be received by the District Engin- eer until I2:00 O'Clock Noon, Local Time, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, I973 Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or Ey mail from the District Office, 80I West Walsh, Street, P.O. Box 96, Thunder Bay, Ontario, P7C 4vV7. Telephone 577-6451. When requesting tenders, Please specify location(s). The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ministry of Transportation and Ontario Communications | SEPTEMBER 26, 1973 3 ~ SPORTS SLANTS = By- Ray Shank * Montreal is always a top newsmaker -- wheth er it be another Stanley Cup championship for the Canadiens, a policital assassination or, like last week, the announcement that the Inte "national Olympic JSLCommittee had turned thumbs down on the idea to have the swimming conte ants in the '76 Olympics compete in the nude. Someone in Montreal, obviously an Olympic PR man, had pointed out that records showed that swimmers without trunks or suits had shaved up to two seconds off standing records, It was a nice try, but it didn't work! Yes, Montreal is and always will be a great newsmaking town. ] Last week, for instance, Montreal Canadien netminder exceptionelle Ken Dryden shocked ; hockey world (especially us Canadiens fans), leaving his $80,000 a year job with the Habs for a $I35. a week post that will make him aj rookie lawyer in Toronto for a year. But it's not always bad news and no good news in Montreal. For every piece of bad new: there's usually some good. 4 That good news, of course, is the way those Amazing Expos have been sticking it out to th bitter end for that one and only playoff spot in the National League's east division. The Expos swept a three- ~game series from Philadelphia Phillies on the weekend to pull within half a game of the leading Pittsburgh Pirates. Then they took on St. Louis Cardina; the third place team, in another three-game set. Expos lost two out of three to the toug Cards, but not before they had run up a six- game winning streak. i When the Expos lost 5-3 to the Cards last Monday night in the second game of a double- header, that's when their winning streak ende But they gave their hometown fans more than their money's worth. Expos had won the opene: 5-4, and they didn't give up the second until the I2th inning. Last Tuesday night, the Expos lost again | (7-4)' to the Cards, but as fate would have it so did the first place Pirates. So, with onli a couple of weeks remaining in the eschedule, ° the magnificent Expos were still only one gam behind the Pirates. 1 Not bad for a team that was rated a 50-I underdog to take the NL title! hk Starting last Wednesday, the Expos were pl -ing a three-game series against Chicago Cubs in the Windy City. Then it was back home to Montreal for probably their most important continued page 9 og