SEPTEMBER I9, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS ; PAGE 3 TERRACE BAY NEWS PUBLISHERS FRANCIS & DEBORAH HELMINK PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. DEADLINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON Monday for publication in that week's issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $4.00 per year (local) $5.00 per year (out-of-town) Second class mail Registration Number 0867 Bay to pay a portion of the cost that they have agreed to, namely $8,000.00. Terms of payment can be arranged at a later date between your Council and the District Board. Further, we are requesting our Solicitor to draw a draft heating agreement and as soon as this is completed, we will review it with your Council. : We are pleased to say that the heating con- tract has been let and the contractor is on the job." The Ministry of Natural Resources wrote asking Reeve Roy Bray's permission to use his name for one of the 358 townships in Northern Ontario which a provincail all-party committee is to name, number and letter geographically. A letter was received from the Ministry of Industry and Tourism thanking Reeve Bray and Council for meeting with the Minister and his assistants during their recent tour of North- western Ontario. The following letter was received from C.E. Paget - it is self explanatory - , "With regard to the sewer water service ex- tension to the Red Dog Inn, I would like you to consider the following: Firstly, I request that you investigate, and seriously consider, providing these serv- ices from the south side of the highway and jacking the pipes under the highway as has been done elsewhere in town. If this is decided against and you wish to proceed with the services across the front of the Norwood Motel, which will involve excava- tion on Norwood property, I would request your agreement to the following provisions. I. Excavated material be piled on the high-| way side of the excavation to minimize damage to the lawn. 2. The white metal light standard is to be replaced as is (assuming it will be in the way) . . 3. The light standard of the driveway en- trance must be replaced as is, and must be maintained on a temporary basis during con- struction so that lighting is always provided at this area. : 4. A temporary driveway be made and al- ways be useable during the period of construc -tion. It would be preferable to jack the pipes under this drive rather than dig it up. 5. The new manhole be located five feet from the Red Dog property line i.e. move it five feet east of where it is presently shown on the drawing. 6. The driveway and lawn area be returned to their present state, and if there is any subsequent settling because the backfill wasn't adequately compacted that it be re- paired accordingly. 7. When the water connection is made, that the work be done between the hours of noon and 5.00 P.M. and that if more time than 5 hours is taken, that the township pay the Norwood Motel $200.00 for each occurrence for the subsequent inconvenience and loss of rev- enue. 8. The installation of services should be done as soon as possible, and if the total time of construction from the date of commen- cement until the final backfill and grading (excluding lawn repairs, curbing repairs and paving repairs ) exceeds I4 calendar days, that the township shall pay the Norwood Motel $100.00 per day as compensation for loss of business revenue. 9. As much of the final repair work as continued page 4 ...... THUNDER MUG ROSSPORT MARINA NEW ARRIVALS IN GIFTWARE SEPTEMBER HOURS 12:00-- 4:00 p.m. 6:00 --- 8:00. pm. PHONE 824-2040