SEPTEMBER 12, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 classified ads MINIMUM CHARGE ------ -- -------- ff $I.00 (25 words and under) $I.25 if charged : 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 FOR SALE - 5 bedroom house for sale, with 2 bathrooms; smell house trailer for camping, 1973 model, approxinately 4 x 104, Sand-Piper, fully equipped, canopy, Jack, outside mirrors, big hitch, sun / good condition. Phone 824- 2805 or 223 Brunswick Street, Schreiber. FOR SALE - I fold away cot $25; I inchmaster exercising Tounge $75. Phone 824-2T49. : CARD OF THANKS - Sincere thanks to everyone for their kind- ness, flowers and cards on the loss of /my dear father and grandfather, George Albert Fairbairn, of Bournemouth, Eng- land. Your thoughtfulness was very /much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jones and Family wes so kind, sent cards, gifts of flowers, money and food during the recent loss of my mother, Diane Lapworth CARD OF THANKS - My sincere appreciation to poe and who CARD OF THANKS - We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Dr. McCausland, nurses and staff of MoCausland Hospital, those who sent ds and flowers and for the kindnesses shown during our ereavement, The MacFadyen Family FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apartment. Phone 824-2734. i. m. dodick R.0. OPTOMETRIST @ 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7728 BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR ALL YOUR PHOTO COPYING ~ AND ~ COMMERCIAL PRINTING CONTACT US AT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT AMPS = MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 BRUCE SIM REPRESENTING - Waw, Busi NOTICE OF MEETING The Schreiber Art Club classes will com- mence on Monday, September IQth at I:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Classes will 4gain be held in the art room of the Public School. We hope to see everyone out on Monday and we especially look forward to meeting new members at this time. ; The membership fee is: $4.00 per year or - $2.00 for the fall-winter season $2.00 for the spring-summer season TERRACE BAY ART CLUB MEETING~ . , The Terrace Bay Art Club will hold a meeting on Thursday, September TI th at 8 p.m. in the Recreation Centre meetipg room. All artists and hobbiests please plan to attend. GENERAL INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC esa Mutual-Royal Group and Canadian Surety ess Phone 824-2562 Plan to Attend - continued from page I4 FOR SALE - I-200 gallon fuel oil with stand = $25.00 Contact - Big C Motel, Schreiber plans are being arranged for hospitals and these will effect us! Don't wait until all been made to come forth suggestion - attend the Health Council Meeting, (see page 8 for further the arrangements have with a complaint or Thunder. Bay District Monday, September I7th information) - it's your hospital - you make the decisions: The Editor from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS Francis Scott Key wrote the words of "The Star-Spangled Banner" on September 14, 1814. On September 15, 1857, William Howard Taft, 26th Presi- dent of the United States, was born. The head of the provisional government in Russia, Alex- ander Kerensky, declared his nation a republic, September 16, 1917. The United States Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787. George Washington put the cornerstone in place for the Capitol building of the United States on September 18, 1793. The first battle of Saratoga, New York, was won by Ameri- can soldiers on September 19, 1777. World War I began on September 20, 1918, with the Battle of Meuse-Argonne.