PAGE I2 : j TERRACE BAY NEWS SEPTEMBER I2, I973 Field Day Races - continued ...... Billy and Joey Campbell, Rainer James and Shane Riley. Three-legged - Maureen McGrath and Colleen McParland, Jeanine St. Jean and Cathy Campbell Gail Beauparlant and Cathleen McParland, Larry Ross and Mark Campbell, Brian Hiller and John Anderson, Robert Speziale and Mario Veneziano, Debby Beauparlant and Pam Nesbitt, Lynn Corm- ier and Shirley Ross, Maureen McParland and Cathy Mulligan, Mark Morrow and Pat Webb, Mar- io Veneziano and Robert Speziale, John Ander- son and Bob Mooney. According to popular demand Jack Anderson, who managed the races, continued the wheel- barrow and three-legged contests until the kids were giddy with laughter and enjoyment. Assisting Jack were Leon St. Jean, Mike Fer- land and Len Winters. The usual popular homemade foods = pies, hamburgers and hot dogs, cabbage rolls, etc. were in demand, as was the fish pond and a game, run by Ted Morrow, obviously popular with the young crowd, judging by the shouts of triumphant laughter. Working in various capacities were Mesdames John Gagnon, John Power, Bill Mullins, Alex Furyk, Edmond Bcrutski, Borden Ross, Alex Pow- er, Art Moorey, George Walsh, M.J. McGrath, Harold McParland, and the Misses Betty McGuire Tina Cebrario, Joanne Winters and Maxine Holl- and. The $25.00 door prize was won by Mrs. Barbara Strasser. THUNDER MUG ROSSPORT MARINA \0 NEW ARRIVALS IN GIFTWARE La "Pry SEPTEMBER HOURS /) 12:00-- 4:00 p.m. 6:00 -- PHONE 824-2040 LEGION AUXILIARY At the regular meeting on September 4th of the Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch I09, it was decided not to cater for the U.T.U. banquet on October I2th, as had been requested. Ethel Nesbitt reported a most successful draw on the recent Field Day, and agreed to continue the monthly draws for the time being. Barbara Smart stated that the social nights are continuing to draw a large crowd. Earline Johnson reported there are still dues outstanding and urged members to pay them to her. Rena Ross volunteered to assist with regu- lar Sunday evening project. Georgina Davis, Kay Gellert, Lois Gilmore and Marg Handel were named as October lunch hostesses. A donation was made to Food Booth committee in the arena in appreciation for the use of their kitchen facilities on Field Day. Most appreciative letters were received from Judy Parent, high school student, for a bursary she received from the Auxiliary, and, from Mrs. Ruth Mulligan, principal of Lake Superior High School, for the encouragement given the students by the annual bursaries pre -sented by the Auxiliary. Jean Crook reported sending many cards and flowers during the sum- mer for varied occasions and those receiving them sending very grateful notes. Due to the small attendance several import- ant matters discussed were not decided, it be- ing agreed to wait until the next meeting when more will attend. Barbara McLaughlin presided for the meet- ing and in the absence of Pat Moore read the treasurer's S report. YOUTH PROGRAM A group of six Schreiber younger people do- ing a study of their town and its neighboring communities of Rossport, Terrace Bay and the former village of Jackfish, became totally ab- sorbed in their inquiry, the end result a ser- ies of five films presently being shown over channel I3. They researched documents, both in history and geography, photographed old pictures, in- terviewed older citizens of the towns posing questions which they had prepared in advance, concerning the past and present in regard to employment, recreation, general development, and the reaction to some national crises. A factor in the ten week's course, sponsored by the Opportunities for Youth program, which continued page 13 ........