SEPTEMBER I2, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II DEGRADATION OF THE GREAT LAKES MAY BE SLOWED DOWN Pursuant to the Water Quality Agreement signed by Prime Minister Trudeau and President Nixon on April I5, I972, the International Joint Commission today transmitted its first annual report on the water quality of the Great Lakes to the Governments of Canada and the United States. The Commission at the same time released a 3I5 page report prepared by; its Great Lakes Water Quality Board. The Board's report describes the water quality pro- grams of various state, provincial and federal" jurisdictions and observed water quality up to the end of 1972. On the basis of a limited quantitative eval- uation it appeared to the Commission that furth -er degradation of the water quality of the Great Lakes may have now been slowed down in some respects. However, there is not yet a scientific basis to permit a conclusion as to the extent of improvement except in local are- as or on some pollutants, such as a reduction in phosphorous loadings. The Commission re- affirmed its I970 conclusions as to the key role of phosphorous in reducing eutrophication and that the limitation of phosphorous content in detergents provides quick and significant reduction in phosphorous loadings. The Commission observed that the Ontario municipal waste treatment programs, if funded as scheduled, would meet Canada's obligations of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The United States obligations Governments of the United States and Canada on the problems outlined in its report to assure that the momentum thus far achieved , is increased rather than diminished or lost. Copies of the Commission's report on pro- gress towards meeting the commitments in the Canada-United States Water Quality Agreement and the report of the Great Lakes Water Quality Board may be obtained from the Com- mission's offices at: Suite 850, I5I Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario. KIP 5H3. C.W.L. FIELD DAY RACES Winners in the races at the annual Cathol- ic Women's League Field Day, September 3rd were as follows: All pre-school children were awarded prize money: 6 and 7 - Carrie Campbell, Cecile and Connie McGuire, Kevin O'Driscoll, Paul Ander- son, Mardi Redins; 8-9 =~ Gail Beauparlant, Cathy Campbell, Kelly McGuire, Ron Speziale, Robert Speziale, Michael Cormier; IO - Coll- een McParland, Lise Cormier, Linda Ross, Brian Hiller, Larry Ross, Randy Krystia; I2- Tina Redins, Shelley Richardson, Cindy Kos- tecki, Billy Campbell, Lawrence McParland, Steven Anderson. Wheelbarrow = Laura McParland and Colleen McGrath, Gail McParland and Cathy Campbell, Larry Ross and Mark Campbell, Robbie Mooney and Brent Mills, Cathy Mulligan and Maureen McParland, Cindy Kostecki and Lise Cormier, continued page I2 allotments are some-what larger than those of June 1973 'and 'if the priority' policy is continued. The Commission recommended that each Government accel- erate the enforcement of industrial waste treatment programs and other measures to achieve the water qual- ity objectives. With regard to the con- trol of vessel wastes, the Commissioh recommended that responsible provincial state and federal agencies formulate programs to en- sure prompt provision of adequate pump-out facilit- ies for both pleasure craft and commercial vessels and that agreement by the will be met if funding pr We fa enterprise. many retail trade tour Sl construction . . - 3g1¢ wwe nd storage. If you nee -- Sitar : tart, expand. © r modermze > s! id le in Canada, we inv! te y your requirements with us. cturing rism and recrealio! type can lend to nearly every less and on ation cial assistance u to discuss Ask for this folder from our representative, Mr. A. Mackay % who will be at: % Imperial Motel Terrace Bay, Ontario Wednesday, September 19th, 1973 If you require financing to start, modernize, or expand your business, and are unable to obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, perhaps IDB can help you. lidb [5 DEVELOPMENT BANK P. 0. Box 878, Thunder Bay "F" Ontario. Telephone: 623-2745 ty