Vol, I6 No. 35 September 6, I973 I5¢ Per Copy TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES The August 28th meeting of Township Council was held in Council Chambers with Reeve Bray and Councillors Brassard, Hale and Helmink present. The minutes of the last Council meeting were passed with business arising from these being a letter from Shaw's Baking stating they would load elsewhere in town from their pres- ent residential site and it was reported that a fence around the propane tank at the swimm- ing pool is not required. Under correspondence a resident wrote re- questing to reserve lots on phase four of the 'Lakeview exstention. Council will reply that there is no development on this exstention at this time. ; «~~ A letter received from P.M. Dube, Barrister-| Solicitor for Aldons Midtown Limited outlining preliminary site plans for development of a mobile home park in Terrace Bay will be forwar- ded to the planning committee to be brought back to council at a later date with their recommendations. The final letter received for this meeting was from Police Chief Dave Barnett expressing his appreciation for the co-operation and un- derstanding shown by members of the Council towards himself and the Police Department. Under new business it was decided to have the planning committee draft a land selling policy for the Township. Councillor Hale requested the township pay the salary for two firemen in order that they can train the staff and residents of Birchwood Terrace in fire emergency procedure. The discussion of Christmas decorations for the town this year ended with Councillor continued page 2 i.e venrive FAIR REPRESENTATION ON HEALTH COUNCIL Ontario Health Minister Dr. Richard T. Potter said that communities east of Thunder Bay must be represented on the District Health Council currently being established in the area. The concept of the District Health Council is designed to bring together public represen-~ tatives, representatives of the agencies in the health field, and the professionals, to identify needs, consider alternative ways of meeting those needs, establish priorities, and plan a comprehensive health care program for the district. The eastern part of the Thunder Bay Distri- ct Health Council's area includes from Thund- er Bay to Marathon and from Lake Superior to Nakina. "It's imperative that all citizens -- not just the professionals involved in health care and the local politicans, and not just those living in the city of Thunder Bay -- be repre- sented, to assure an accurate Cross-section of health ideas, needs and concerns," said Dr. Pctter. "The citizens, as a vital part of the Dis- trict of Thunder Bay, have an important role to play. Here we're dealing with a relative- ly small part of the total population of the area; yet we have a large part of the ground to cover. We must bring forth the needs of people in small, isolated communities." A steering committee to nominate the Thun- der Bay District Health Planning Council is being set up. To ensure that all the commun- .ities will be fairly represented, there should be some people on the committee to re- present the area east of Thunder Bay. continued page 2 ..c.essens