'SEPTEMBER 6, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I7 classified ads MINIMUM CHARGE $I.00 (25 words and under) $I.25 if charged 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25 FOR SALE - I6' fibre glass sail boat. $1200.00. Don Beno. Phone 82L4-2666. Contact FOR SALE - I973 GT 550 Suzuki, Sissy and farring. §2,000 new, asking $1300. 1600 miles. / Phone 825-3363. FOR SALE - I970 Mustang, coral, 3 speed, auto 31,000 miles, 302 engine, excellent on gas, péwer disc brakes and power steering. Stereo tape degk with chome speaker given away with sale of car. Phone 824-2476 or ings uire at 307 Walker Street, Schreiber. i ic on floor, 1% FOR RENT - I bedroom furnished home, sutras) tor single 1 Phone 824-2273. person. [. nam FOR RENT - Beautiful 2 bedroom apartm kitchen, bathroom. Private entrance 8o4-284li anytime. CARD OF THANKS - Thanks once again to my Br for their FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apartment. s living room, first floor. Phone cheery cards, visits and gifts during my + hospital stay. Gertrude Cotton. CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late Mrs. Rita Boudreau wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness during the bereayément of a beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Special fhanks to - Reverend Father Greengrass, to the staff of th Schreiber Funeral Home, to the members of the CoeW.L., the members of Local 665 and to the Moose Lodge. Many who sent flowers, mass cards and sympathy, cards, Your kind- ness will alweys be remembered. Lloyd Boudreau 7 CARD OF THANKS ~- Lester McCuaig wishes to t Who were so kind to him during his recent iYlness - Dr. McCausland, nurses and staff of MoCausle Hospital, his friends for visits, cards and other kindnesses. CARD OF THANKS - We wish to teke this opportunity /to thank our wonderful friends, relatives and family for the lovely cards and gifts presented to us on the occasion of our 25th Wedding Anniversary. This day will live/long in our 5 7) memory. John and Teresa Power. vss SALES AND SERVICE - Heintzmen, Sherlocek Manning Pianos, Hammond Organs, benches, tuning, sales and service; contact Morrow Pianos, A. Almos, P.0. Box 8, Terrase Bay. LAKE FRONT PROPERTY WANTED Large acreage with at least ome mile have good fishing. Send details to Station K, Toronto, Ontariec. f shoreline. Must . Jones, Box 852, LAND WANTED Suitable for hunting or fishing./ Largs or small acreege. Without buildings. Send details of size and other infor mation to M. Taylor, Box 856, Station K, Toronto, Ontario. BUSINESS DIRECTORY DONALD BENO INSURANCE AGENT 1968 sav 63,767 properties by fire in Canada. FIRE 15/50 FINAL PHONE: 824-2666 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO * y FOR ALL YOUR l. m. dodick PHOTO COPYING 7,0 AND IST COMMERCIAL PRINTING CONTACT US AT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 Gordon M. Dodge GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILESFIRE-CASUALTY-LIABILITY 179 HUDSON DRIVE cf, 4,75, LEGION BINGO 5 £5 OA) TERRAC ySaturday, Sept 8th - 7:30 p.m. 7 2 Jackpbt - $30.00 Sorry No-Minors Allowed (2.274 \ ATTENTI "'" SCHREIBER HYDRO CUSTOMERS Commencing Monda September 10th, 1973 Office Hours will be from - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. weekdays excluding Statitory Holidays. \R - Lesage : 4D from HISTORY'S SCRAPBOOK DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS On August 31, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Neutrality Act of 1935. Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. The Great Fire of London began on September 2, 1666. The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 3, 1783, ending the Revolutionary War. The Island of Manhattan was discovered by Henry Hudson on September 4, 1609. - On September 5, 1905, a peace treaty was signed between Russia and Japan at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. President William McKinley was shot in Buffalo, New York, September 6, 1901.