SEPTEMBER 6, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I3 COMMUNITY SHOWERS HONOUR BRIDE-ELECTS Miss Gisele Chicoine, bride-elect, was hon- oured at a shower-tea held in St. John's Church Hall, when her mother Mrs. Sanford Chicoine and her sister, Mrs. Warren Morrill of Red Rock re- ceived with her. Mrs. Ray Sisson was the table hostess and the servitors were the Misses Rae Sisson, Susan McParland, Tina Redins, and Kelly McParland, Mrs. M.J. McGrath and Mrs. Harold McParland. Mrs. Ralph Morrill, Mrs. Karl Redins and Mrs. Gordon McParland replenished. The gifts were opened by Miss Gaetan Chicoi- ne, Mrs. Lawrence O'Driscoll of Sudbury, Cathy Karen and Cindy O'Driscoll, with Jackie O'Dris- coll circulating the guest book. : Miss Carolyn Glad, bride-elect, was honoured at a shower-tea held in St. Andrew's Church Hall. Receiving with her were her mother, Mrs. Earl Glad, her sister Miss Barbara Glad and her grandmother, Mrs. Edward Pearson of Thunder Bay The tea was poured by Mesdames Jack Stokes, J.D. Bryson, Michael Smilsky and Norman Glad. Miss Joyce Cluett was table hostess and the servitors were the Misses Karen Glad, Lola Scott, Susan Dimmery, Charlene Wallin, Doris Lehto and Sharon Scott. Mesdames Bill Miller, George Lengyel, D.H. Brown and D.Q. Hamilton replenished. The gifts were opened by Miss Cathy Stokes and the guest books circulated by Shelly Pear- son. THE CORNER STORE A handsome building, an addition to the main street in Schreiber, will result from the structural renovations and complete changes in side and outside of the Spadoni Store - but - townspeople are feeling nostalgia because the familiar look of the old Corner Store will be gone from the local scene. The store was built by J.E. Walker, who came to Schreiber in I886 and, since, he wrote the Department of Education, on his own stationery as a merchant, the store must have been built, or, likely was built in I887. And in the intervening years has housed the post office, a jewellery store, the CPR watch inspector and other business interests. Many are the grandparents in town now admitting to 'pinching of apples' from the barrell near the door on the grocery side, and noted, it now observed by Mr. Mudge; well-aware that the cul- prit already had an apple in his or her pocket, but to maintain prestige, must once at least, get a free apple. And, in a reversal of the trend now to Girl Watching, the school girls in town, claimed the Corner for an hour after school, to check, when the rustling taffeta petticoat was a sign of the well-dressed lady, just who actually had such a delightful garmet, and, who was deceiving the public by using rustling paper instead, under her street length skirt! ; Among the many students leaving Schreiber this Fall, and their destinations are the following: To Lakehead University - Tom McGrath, Aileen Ross, Roy Huard, Gerard and John McGrath, Douglas Stefurak, Mrs. Lance Stewart, Bob Nes- bitt, Kathy and Karen Guina, Bill Hiller, Sharon and Robin Smith, Linda and Larry Fras- er; To Western University - Greg Morrill, Tony Commisso, Ted Ross; To the Regional School of Nursing - Cathy Anderson, Carol Webb, Donna Noonan. To Confederation College Danny McGrath, Karen Glad, Bill Gellert, Herb Holmes, Laureen Kusik, Dawn Kietrich, Diane Huard, Laura McParland, Bill Collinson. To Sault College, Sault Ste. Marie - Debbie Cook, Lola Scott, Doris Lehto, Joey Maronese, Car- son Fischer, Joey Speziale. Paul Caccamo to Waterloo University; Lonnie Connelly and Michael McGuire to Windsor University; Maril- yn Cook to McMaster University; Janice Cluett to Toronto University; Jim Gellert to Univer- sity of Birmingham, England; Joyce Cluett to Canadian School of Floral Art, Hamilton; Kim Gellert to Lake Superior State College, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; Shelby Kirkpatrick to Bis- hop Strachan School, Toronto; Carolyn Glad to Shaw's Business College, Toronto; Barbara Stefurak, to Teach in Long Lac and Beverley Hamilton to work in Toronto.