TERRACE BAY NEWS Vol. I6 No. 26 July 5, 1973 I5¢ Per Copy LOCAL RESIDENT HELPS HOSPITAL You may have noticed the beautiful flower beds at The McCausland Hospital. This is due to the volunteer work of Mike Churney of Terr- ace Bay. Mike and Anne Churney have been res- idents of Terrace Bay for 2I years. They have a son and daughter, both married, and several grandchildren. Mike is employed by Kimberly- Clark. This article is not meant to be Mike's bio- graphy; it is just a little story to tell how two people have quietly shown an interest in our hospital. Mike says it was Anne's idea, but in any case, he has always shown an inter- est in taking care of the hospital grounds and had been employed in the past for this work. This year, all of Mike's time is on a volunteer basis and he is extremely qualified for the work. continued page 3 «...ceven TERRACE BAY COUNCIL QUOTES Reeve Roy Bray presided for the June 26th Council meeting with Councillors Megraw, Hale, and Brassard present. Don Stewart, electrical advisor was present with Mr. Gary MacRae with regards to Mr. MacRae's request for power to the old Legion building. After discussion and on the advise of Mr. Stewart, Council will grant Mr. MacRae's pres- ent need but will review the matter again when more power is required. Council then proceeded to pass the minutes of their previous meeting and continued on with correspondence. The Ontario Municipal Recreation Associa- tion wrote regarding two resolutions passed at their annual meeting pertaining to snow- mobiles, but Terrace Bay Council did not agree with these resolutions. A notice was received from Kimberly-Clark of Canada Limited advising Council of the Lake Superior Pumphouse shut down for inspection. Clerk Hanley, on the request from Mr. Stan McDivett, Givell Investments Limited, wrote informing him of the loss the Township of Terrace Bay will suffer and the need for addi- tional motel units and associated facilities, since the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel became the property of the Province of Ontario. The Ontario Municipal Board sent a copy of their hearing decision delivered by D.S. Col- bourne which Reeve Bray and Clerk Hanley had' attended. A letter was received from C.E. Paget, Nor- wood Motel specifically requesting for the con -tinuation of daily pickup of garbage at the Norwood Motel. Mr. Paget is in favour of re- continued page 2 .....