JUNE 20, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE I5 Art Club. -. cont'd ...... .e summer art schools and shows. Mrs. Brown, who presided, thanked the mem- bers for their enthusiasm and support in or- ganizing the very successful annual show and it was decided to send letters to several non-members for their assistance. The club recorded their appreciation of the ten week course sponsored by Confederation College, with Helen Strickland as the instruc- tor, from which they had learned so much. The minutes and treasurer's report were adopted as read by Rita McGrath and Mary Shack In the election of officers Shirley Brown was returned as president, and Rita McGrath as secretary; new officers are Rose Pyke, first vice-president; Olga Cressman, second vice-president; Iris Lidkea, treasurer. Invitations were received from the Bank of Montreal and the public library to display paintings during the year. The evening ended with a coffee and lunch social hour when a gift was presented to Mrs. Brown. ANGLICAN CHURCH WOMEN MEETING The Anglican Church Women held their last meeting before recessing for the summer months on Tuesday, June I2th. The meeting was opened with prayer. The secretary position was filled by Mrs. Marg. Morrill due to the absence of the regu- lar secretary. Treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Flora Bryson and she reported the penny auction in May was a good success. The crochet shawl raffled was won by Mrs. Ruth Spadoni. Business discussion included the Christmas Bazaar with a date set for November I7th. The meeting was closed with prayer and the group will now recess for the summer months The next meeting will be held September II. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Slade and their family of Vancouver are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D.H. Brown - the two wives being sisters. PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE. The Terrace Bay Recreation Committee will accept applications from anyone interested in working as a Games Room Supervisor at the Recreation Centre. Apply by phoning 825-3542 or submitting a written application to Box 460, Terrace Bay. ROSSPORT ALTAR SOCIETY Following the election of officers, Mrs. °* Prina Gerow was elected president, Mrs. Camil- la Legault Secretary, Mrs. Todesco, Treasurer and Mrs. Schelling vice-president when the Altar Society met for their June meeting, Thursday evening at Mrs. Legault's home. The treasurers report for the year showed that the cash receipts amounted to $683.38 raised by bingos, draws, donations and penny auctions. The expenditures amounted to $660.43 which was used on bingo prizes, draw prizes, paper, envelopes and stamps, church supplies, janitor and labour wages, mass books cards, furnace repairs, organ repairs, water fees, hose and sprinklers, etc. which left a balance of $22.93. The members are working towards purchasing a new organ for the church as it was useless to try to keep the present organ in repair as parts are not available on the market today. Mr. Almos was present to give information on an electric organ which the organization is considering purchasing. Flower bedding plants are to be purchased for the grotto and church borders. Mrs. Gerow presided for the meeting and led in opening and closing prayers. Mrs. Legault read the minutes and correspon -dence while Mrs. Todesco presented the finan- cial statement for the month. § Mr. and Mrs. R.T. Kenney audited the books and reported all satisfactory. Penny Auction plans were finalized. Follow -ing adjourment luncheon was served by Mrs. Legault. ROSSPORT TOWN TOPICS Peter Mushquash has®left to visit Mr. and Mrs. Keith Maloney in Sioux Lookout. Mr. and Mrs. E. Legault have returned from a holiday in Toronto, Bellville and the Gatin- eau. Mr. and Mrs. Pringle Plummer of Duncan, B.C. are holidaying with relatives in the area. J. Kenney of Boston, Mass. holidayed here and engaged in taking pictures of scenic scen- es here before leaving for British Columbia. Mr. Lenard Ibey has returned from a Thunder Bay Hospital. Mrs. Ibey accompanied him home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bruley and family of Thunder Bay spent a few days at their summer camp here. Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Ray have left on a bus- iness trip to Sudbury to attend the Northwest- ern Ontario Metis Conference.