APRIL 18, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 RUBY REBEKAH LODGE Mrs. June Claydon, the district deputy pre -sident, will pay her official visit on Wed. April 25 to Ruby Rebekah Lodge, it was announ- ced at their meeting on April 11. The Rebekah Degree will be conferred one candidate on May 9 when Mrs. Mavis Slater, president of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario pays her official visit. A card party will be held on April 26 at 8 p.m. in the town hall - tickets are being sold by all members. Mrs. Beth Macadam reported on the district meeting she and Mrs. Winnie Clemens attended on April 3 in Thunder Bay. Mrs. Lil. Harris reported the C.P.T. Humanitarian Committee has arranged for a penny auction, in the town hall on June 2, with a hamper of groceries as a draw prize, all members are asked to donate prizes and groceries. Mrs. Helen Wallace, financial secretary, and Mrs. Alice Sparkes, treasurer, presented their semi annual reports. Mrs. Florence Fischer reported on the recent home bingos, and said they will not - be discontinued until September. The vice grand reported on cards and flowers sent to members during illness and bereavement. Mrs. Glorie Miller, noble grand, and Mrs. Lil. Harris, vice grand presided for the meeting. CHIMO CLUB The Chimo Club, which has now 105 members, held its regular meeting in Terrace Bay on April 13, with Lester McCuaig, the president stating that the club has stretched to Pays Plat. Mr. McCuaig also reported the gift of the Bank of Montreal, of their present building and property to the Schreiber municipal council for the use of senior citizens. Various business firms have been asked for estimates on the necessary renovations but there is no urgency since the Bank will require until June to complete their trans- fer into new quarters. The council has assured the Chimo Club that for events requiring larger space, they will still be welcomed in the town hall. Ida Krause, social convener, reported the first bingo had been most generously support- ed and a second one is planned for April 25. Mrs. Gertrude Boyd, treasurer, resigned, due to family committments, and Iris Lidkea , was elected to act in the office. Due to the increasing burden of correspon- dence, Inez McCuaig was elected as recording secretary, with Katie Verdone continuing as corresponding secretary. Outstanding accounts were passed for pay- ment. Ed. Cavanaugh of Terrace Bay and Clem. Downey, of Rossport, were elected Responsible Officers, on the Board of Directors--acting in the dispersal of grant money, apart from club funds. The next meeting will be held on May 18 in the Schreiber town hall when, to their sur- prise, it was voted to have the men as lunch hosts-with Lester McCuaig as convener. Ian Currie, of the Citizenship Branch, Ministry of Communication and Social Services, was a surprise visitor at the meeting, apolo- izing for his age, but saying even now, he was studying senior citizen associations, with an eye to his future! Mr. Currie brought a message from Kathleen Heggie, Parks and Recreation Dept., Thunder Bay, regarding a senior citizens' conference being held in Thunder Bay, May 15-16, when the modest registration will cover meals. This is the first major conference to be held in Northwestern Ontario, and the subjects dealt with are those suggested by senior citizen associations, overing a wide field of interests: Government housing, Homes for the Aged, Living your years in your own home, Financial advice available, Medical plans and assistance, Role of the Dept. of Health and Welfare, Legal Aid - Where to go, how to apply wills, etc. - the power to influence and start action, and many other subjects, even, an Under Attack panel. Many speakers will be present to advise and discuss problems, with Lawrence Crawford as the guest speaker. The typical footnote to the meeting, was in Katie Verdoni, the transportation manager, being left behind and having to be driven back to Schreiber by a Terrace Bay member. The meeting was held in the Terrace Bay Community Church Hall, to which a small donation was made, and lunch was served by Dora Weaver, Luella Ginn, Eva Haughn and Mary Chadwell. Michelle and Lorraine Bedard have returned home after a holiday in Miami Beach.