APRIL 1I, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS Jj} PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Print- ing Plant, Post Ofgice Building, Terrace Bay OFFICE HOURS - 9 a.m. fo 5 p.m. Mon-Fri. DEADLINE- gon all advertisements and news material 45 NOON Monday for Publication in that week's issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE - $4.00 per yearn (Local) $5.00 per year (out-o4- Second class mail Ped tion Number 0867 BANQUET ENDS HOCKEY SEASON The Terrace Bay "Junior B" Superior Hockey team was honoured at a banquet held in the Community Church hall, prepared and served by the Mothers of the players. President, Jimmy Figliomeni, said Grace and Gerry Dupas was Master of Ceremonies. After a delicious meal, the presentations took place. The trophy to the highest scorer, donated and presented by Ernie Kettle, went to Mark Dashkewytch, who had to his credit, in twenty- two games, eighteen goals, twelve assists, for a total of thirty points. Convener, Joe Heenan presented the trophy for Best Defenceman to Paul Malashewski, Jr. Convener Paul Malashewski, Sr., presented the trophy for the Most Improved Player to R.. Bolan. President, Jimmy Figliomeni, donated and presented the trophy for the Most Valuable Player to Rick Hamilton. A trophy anonymously donated for the Most Diligent Player (one who always gives I00% in all games and practices) went to R. Zwaresh presented by L. Kruger. In the Players Presentation, Rick Hamilton on behalf of all the players, presented gifts to those men who give so much of their time & 005 WH BEET INABA UES HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING MEETING The Spring Meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held in the large meet- ing room of the Recreation Center at 8 p.m. Friday, April I3th. A social hour with showing of slides of local interest will follow the meeting. % Everybody welcome. C308 mnr APERL INL ALI UIHE 3 without hope of an award, but satisfaction in seeing hockey well played - Les Kruger, Jim Figliomeni and Stan Zwaresh. Master of Ceremonies called on the Presi- dent for a few remarks and also Coach, Les Kruger. Gerry Dupas congratulated the boys, their coaches, parents, and the executive for a good season and wished them well in the 73-74 endeavours. Mrs. Kruger, Mrs. Figliomeni, and Mrs. Zwaresh were given corsages on their arrival by Mark Dashkewytch and all the ladies who prepared the excellent meal were given a hear- ty round of applause. Photo below of the executive - J. Figlio- meni, Joe Heenan, Doreen Kurylo, Mary Dash- kewytch, Ernie Kettle, Scotty Hamilton, Paul Malashewski, George Dashkewytch and Les Kruger. Photo by M. Lundberg. continued page 4 ...... REMBER FURNITURE WAREHOUSE I20I W.Walsh Street Thunder Bay,Ont. (at end of Walsh St.,near Airport) NEW FURNITURE AT DISCOUNT PRICES Bedroom,Livingroom,Kitchen Furniture, Westinghouse Appliances,Wall-to-Wall Broadloom Motel Furniture and Bedding FREE DELIVERY in NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO OPEN 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Easter Monday, April 23