PAGE 16 TERRACE BAY NEWS APRIL II, 1973 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) cash in advance. ($I.00 if charged) WANTED - Room and board from approximately April 25 to June 15 Please write to box 579, Terrace Bay. WANTED TO BUY = 3 bedroom home in Terrace Bay or ares. write giving full details to Box 579, Terrace Bay. Please ATTENTIONS! Would the person who picked up a brand new purple sweat suit in the Terrace Bay Campus some weeks ago. Return to Holly Brown - size small, Thank you. WANTED. - Babysitter for summer months, Preferably 18 years of age. Phone 825-3889 after 6 p.m. WANTED - 28" boys bike. Phone Kelly Helmink at 825-3329. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Phone 824-2172 EARN AT HOME - stuff envelopes for firms, Rush name, address, and stamp to: Senecal, 303 George St., Toronto, Ont, M2A-2N2 IN MEMORIUM In loving memory of our dear sons and brothers Kevin & Rod who were accidently killed on April 8, 1972. Please God forgive a silent teer, A constant wish that he were here, Others were taken, yes we know, But he was ours and we loved him so. He bid no one a last farewell Nor even said goodbye, He was gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. If only the world were ours to give We'd give it, yes and more To see the facs of the one we loved Come smiling through the door. Please God just take a message To him in heaven above, Tell him how much we miss him, And give him all our love, Sadly missed by Mom, Sisters Cathy, Gail, Donna, Brenda and Brother Lesslis Bottomley. Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, Sisters Lynne, Lise and Brother Micheal Cormier, CARD OF THANKS ~- My sincere thanks to all my friends who sent cards, flowers and gifts to me while in the hospital, thanks to the nurses and doctors of McCausland Hospital, Terrace Bay and the staff of the fifth floor McKellar hospital, Thunder Bay. Your kindness will always be remembered. - Dave Mushqush, HELP REQUIRED - Preferably of interest to women for full-time restaurant shift work in Terrace Bay. Contact Paul Cebrario, Schreiber. Phone 824-2511, FAREWELL - At this point we would like to say farewell to all the fine people we got to know in the district, Our hearts will always be with you, and doors open to all who can call on us in our new home, « Steve & Pearl Petrushsk CARD OF THANKS - My sincere thanks to the ladies in Terrace Bay and Schreiber for the nice evening and the beautifull gift, My memories will always be with you. Special thanks to Leona Fournier, Arlene Cadieux and Marg Gander, = Pearl Petrushak,. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BRUCE SIMON GENERAL INSURANCE NOTARY PUBERIC REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutural-Royal Group and Canadian Surety Business Phone 824-2562 YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT JAMES P. MIKUS SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 N s y FOR ALL YOUR 1. M. dodick PHOTO COPYING R.O. AND OPTOMETRIST COMMERCIAL 6 PRINTING : 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 CONTACT US AT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS CARD OF THANKS = My sincere gratitude to the fellows in Kimberly-Clark mill for the gift. My work was made easier because of fine guys like you. Special thanks to the Oilers Crew for their generous contribution, and good fellowship. - Steve Petrushak, NOTICE OF MEETING - The Chimo Senior Citizens regular meeting will be in the Terrace Bey Community Church at 2 p.m. on FRIDAY, APRIL 13th. NOTICE - The Auxiliary to the MecCsusland Hospital will meet at 8:00 P.M. on Monday, April 16 in the Schreiber High School : Library. Roll call will be answered with the donation of rags i Lr i hit of of ae FOR SALE - L.burner electric stove, 30" with rotisserie. In : good second-hand condition. Call 825-3608. : 3 WANTED - Small furnished appartment for one person, Preferably in Terrace Bay. Phone 825-3338 between 6:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. WANTED TO BUY ~ Used railroad pocket watch. 825-3311, Size 16, Phone FOR RENT - 3 Bedroom house with basement. BoL=28u%, FOR SALE - 1965 Dodge Polara 330, 318 cu in. Suitable for student taking shops or person with mechanical knowledge, running condition and needs little repair to be put back on road. Phone 824-2695 after 7 p.m. Phone after 6 p.m. In " : Classified L sel Ads Ant the god ie Bai, As, Shs Th REC id