FEBRUARY 21, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 Search & Rescue - cont'd membership fee of $2.00 for people who wish to become involved in some part of this organization. Remember the dates for the public meetings and plan to attend. C.W.L. NEWS The regular monthly meeting of St. Martin of Tours Catholic Women's League was held on Sunday, February ITth in the Church Hall. The Rosary was recited in the church prior to the meeting. Mrs. G. Ramsay opened the meeting and called on Father Greengrass to lead in the League prayers. Sister Paulette read a passage from the Jerusalm Bible. Mrs. P. Malashew- ski read the minutes of the last meet- ing and new correspondence. In the ab- sence of Mrs. F. Helmink, Mrs. A. Regis read the treasurer's report. Mrs. A. Regis, Church Life, report- ed that the "World Day of Prayer" will be held in the Community Church on Friday, March 2nd at 2 p.m. The World Day of Prayer is a family affair. The theme this year is "Alert In Our Time" A thoughtful poem for Lent was also read. Christian Family Life, Mrs. J. Kennedy reported on attending a Relig- ious Education Programme at St. Mar- tin's School. She pointed out it was most rewarding to have Father Cano and Father Bourguignon show their priestly way in explaining the sacrament of confession and the Mass and how it is taught in our schools. Also that the Community Supper is well on its way. Mrs. A. Churney urged the ladies to continue saving their Canada Packers labels. Mrs. G. Ramsay reported that reser- vations have been made for the Con- vention to be held in Dryden in May. The theme for this years convention is "Christ In Our Work". The president also asked the ladies to make every effort to attend the World Day of Prayer. Plans are underway to hold an Auc- tion Sale, the first week in April. Please keep this in mind, and if you have any suitable articles contact Mrs. G. Ramsay at The meeting was McBride after whic Praise Thy Name" a sung. Mrs. J. Kennedy Dick Pokorny, Driwve tor from Lake Supe: Schreiber Campus wl ing talk on drivers A question and answ On behalf of the la McBride thanked Mr. presented him with A social hour fo d 3861. adjourned by Mrs. L. "Holy God We "0 Canada" weré then introduced Mr. ¢ Education Instruc- ior High School, > gave an interest- and road safety. :r period followed. ies present Mrs. L. Pokorny and gift, lowed. Mr. and Mrs. Phi . Lip Kelly (Annette Belliveau) of Timmi: ents on January I9tl ; became proud par- I973. Grandpar- ents are Mr. and Mrs Ray Belliveau. Onta: o MINISTRY OF NATL 'AL RESOURCES RENTAL OF /EHICLES The Ministry of Natural vitations to tender for basis for the following at the quoted price. Resources, Geraldton Bay. must be in the hands of For further information Sugimoto, Ministry of Natural Resources, Geraldton, Ontario (PH 807 854-I030). These vehicles will be re or part May Ist to Octobe extension may be requeste: Interested parties should from the District Foreste: (PH € 54-1030) Ranger Headquarters at MacDiarmid or Terrace Specifications, terms and conditions are stated on the tender forms. by noon March 2nd, 1973. Quantity Vehicle Type Time Period 5 to 10 % ton pickups Minimum 5 months II to I5 % ton pickups Minimum 5 months 5 to I0 I2 passenger vans Minimum 2 months 5 I5 passenger vans 2 months 4 6 passenger crewcabs Minimum 4 months W.K. Fullerton District Forester F v t sources extends in- hicles on a rental tative requirements. i1ired during period 3Ist, however time on certain vehicles equest tender forms Ministry of Natural or Chief Completed tenders the District Forester please contact M.