'EBRUARY ' 14, 1973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 23 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) cash in advance. ($I.00 if charged) FOR SALE - Hooded Buckskin coat. Misses size 16. 824-2616 between 3 and 5 peme Phone FOR SALE - Hoover mini dryer like new, Phone 825-3824, FOR SALE - I973 Skidoo Elan SS 22 h.p. Excellent Condition Phone 825-3697. FOR SALE - 7 week old St. Bernard puppies - registered. Phone Marathon 229-0677 or write Box 3I4 Marathon. FOR RENT - 3 Bedroom House with basement. Phone 824-28u44 from 6=0 peMe WANTED TO RENT - Apartment or room in Schreiber or Terrace Bey by two quiet young men - non drinkers. Phone 824-2417. APARTMENT FOR RENT - Phone 824-28ul after 6 pom. WANTED - to buy a lodge and cabins or a small lunch business with gas pumps, must be on or near the water or a main road suitable for a couple to handle, Reply to Box 163, Ayr, Ontario. FOR RENT - Dining room and restaurant in hotel for rent, to right party. Fully equipped. Write Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ont. CARD OF THANKS - I wish to express my appreciation for the support received in the election on February 5th for the office of Public School Trustee. I shall endeavour to conscientliously represent the best interests of this community. - Joan E. Nugent CARD OF THANKS - We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who helped make our 50th Wedding Anniversary such a happy occasion, To the relatives and friends who sent such beautiful flowers, gifts and greetings we received. A warm thanks to our daughters Anne, Florence and Zonie who made this possible, To all a grate- ful thank you, your kindness has helped meke this day we will never forget. Pearl & John Didych CARD OF THANKS ~- Special thanks to the staff of McCausland Hospital and friends who sent cards and visited me during my stay and a very special thanks to Dr. Wykes. I really appreciate them. Mike Wenakamik. WFREE" YOUR OWN SNOMOBILE REPAIR PARTS & ACCESSORY CATAL- OGUF - "LATEST REVISED EDITION - GUARANTEED SAVINGS OF 30% OR MORE." JUST MAIL YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS TO "DIRECT DISTRIBUTING INC., P.O. BOX IT78, HULL, QUEBEC, CANADA". A COMPLETE SELECTION OF PARTS & ACCESSORIES TO CHOOSE FROM. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU'LL ALWAYS RECEIVE FAST SER- VICE. NOTE: PRESENT CUSTOMERS PLEASE DO NOT RE APPLY. YOUR NEW CATALOGUE IS BEING MAILED AUTOMATICALLY. SALESMAN OR AGENT WANTED - DEPENDABLE MAN OVER 60 WHO CAN FORK WITHOUT SUPERVISION, Earn $IL,000 in a year plus bonus. Contact customers in the Terrace Bay area. Limited auto travel, We Train. Air mail S.T. Dickerson, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Box 789, Ft. Worth, Tex. NOTICE OF MEETING = The regular meeting of CHIMO - Senior citizens Club will be held on Friday, February 16th at 2 pom. in the Schreiber Town Hall, Anyone 60 or over welcome, BUSINESS DIRECTORY GENERAL INSURANCE BRUCE SIMON NOTARY PUBLIC REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutural-Royal Group and Canadian Surety Business Phone 824-2562 CARD OF THANKS On behalf of the ladies of the Schreiber Curling i. m. dodick OPTOMETRIST Club we would like to thank the merchants and businessmen ® of Schreiber for helping make our Bonspiel a success, «= Norma Courtney, ~ Eva Gordon, Prize Committee, 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE THUNDER BAY PHONE 622-7726 FILANE'S VARIETY STORE - SCHREIBER AGENT FOR SUPREME CLEANERS FOR PICK-UP CALL 824-2755 NOTICE OF MEETING The Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital monthly meeting will be held on Monday, February I9th in the Schreiber High School 'Library. MOOSE BINGO The Loyal Order of Moose, Terrace Bay are sponsoring a Bingo on Tuesday, February 20th at 8 p.m. Bus leaves Schreiber at 7:30 p.m. Remember the last number called by caller governs your bingo card. Sorry no minors allowed. SEE THE BANK OF MONTREAL SCHREIBER BRANCH FOR A PERSONAL LOAN ~ Money available for cars, trailers, boats, vacations or any worthwhile purpose with terms to suit your budget. WANTED - Girl Guide Uniform, Si 12-4, th. ze I2-T4 Phone 1 il k