PAGE 6 TERRACE BAY NEWS TORONTO LAWYER ON NODC BOARD Toronto lawyer Richard Rohmer has been appointed to the Board of Directorgd of the Northern Ontario Development Corporation, it was announced by Ontario's Minister of Industry and Tourism, John White. The appointment adds to Mr. Rohmer's long list of accomplishments, stretch- ing from his distinguished record with the RCAF during World War II to his more recent work creating new develop- mental concepts for the North. The NODC, a provincial Crown corpor- ation, was established in late I970 to provide financial and advisory services for Northern Ontario business and in- dustry. Offices are in Timmins, Thund- er Bay and Sudbury. PENNER PROTESTS BOUNDARY RE-ADJUSTMENT JANUARY 17,1973 eral Electoral Boundaries, Commission for Ontario, Room 326, 24I Jarvis St., Toronto, Ontario. M5B:2C3. * SKI CLUB NEWS There is not quite as much snow as we would like to see, but there is en- ough to have lots of fun skiing! This was evident at the Terrace Bay Ski Club over the weekend as many turned out for the opening of the ski season. Ski sessions this year will again be Wednesday and Friday evenings from 7:30 to I0:00 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays I:30 to 5:00 p.m. It may be necessary to cancel night kiing this week due to snow conditions and hill lighting. Check with Cy Pyke 824-2450 for in- formation. Lessons and Saturday morning racing Keith Penner, M.P. (Thunder Bay District) has joined with his colleag- ues in protesting the loss of two Fed- eral seats in Northern Ontario as a result of the proposed electoral bound- aries re-adjustment. Under the proposal made by the Independent, Non-Political Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario, the rest of Ontario would gain a total of five seats while North- ay | An ern Ontar is wou ne d.laose two . L oni "The Boundary re-adjustment®, gaid Penner, "fails to regard adequately such factors as Geography, Natural Communities of interest, the problems of representation in Northern Ontario resulting from the lack of essential Government services, and historic units of representation. The Commission, which had no members from Northern Ontario, must be made to see that re- adjustment based solely on the equaliza- tion of population imposes yet another injustice upon the citizens of our region". Penner and the other Liberal M.P. from Northern Ontario have sent a joint communique of protest to the Commission. Other citizens and groups may submit briefs before the Commission when it sits in Thunder Bay on February 8th, 1973 beginning at 9:30 a.m. It:ds im- portant to notify the Commission in writing before January I9th, I973. Please direct correspondence to: Fed- should start in early February. Watch the Terrace Bay News for details. Have you bought your membership yet? Those who have not joined by Sunday, January 2Ist will have to pay non-mem- bers tow rates. Contact Mel Nicol at 825-35I0 or join at the clubhouse dur- ing a ski session. lecreation & Swim Pool Discs: 1) ' 1973 discs have arrived ar manta A ~ ew By Ray Shank Don't know at this writing whether that mail strike will be pulled off, but would you believe that at the half- way mark of the NHL schedule, Montreal 'Pocket Rocket', Henri Richard was still looking for his first goal of the season? That's right, after 40 games, Richard had yet to bulge the opposi- tion's net. It's kind of sad that the Pocket is having such a terrible year. The last really bad year he had was 1967 when he managed only nine goals- but he only played 54 games. The Pock- et will be 37 in February, maybe he should bow out now, like his famous brother did. Henri is over the hill now, it appears. The difference is that brother Maurice didn't wait until all the steam was out of him before he packed it in. Only other regular play- er on the Canadiens team who hadn't cont'd page 7 Mr. Brian S. McCool, Secretary,