OCTOBER 18, 1972 : TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 3 Ml Terme BAY NEWS Ji PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY at the News Printing Plant, Post Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. OFFICE HOURS - 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Friday DEALINE - for all advertisements and news material is NOON MONDAY for Publication in that week's issue. SUBSCRIPTION RATE - $4.00 per year (local) $5.00 per year (out of town) PUBL{SHERS FRANCIS AND DEBORAH HELMINK Second Class Mail Registration Number 0867 Council Quotes = cont'd from pg.2 Recreation Committee - $9,520.00. By-law #254, a by-law ammending employees sick leave credits, was given third and final reading and passed. Council has decided to wait until Spring before continuing with any physical work fo unite the two cemeteries info one. The question of the poor storm sewer drainage in town, especially at the corner of Kenogami and MacDonald was brought to Councils attention. Council feels if proper cleaning was maintained, the sewers would be adequate for the water flow. The question of manpower is the main issue of this problem and Council will take this situation into further consideration. Councillor Bray informed council of the temporary measures being used on the Lakeview extension until curbing could be done in the Spring. Council was in agreement with this, resolving that curbing was the only answer to prevent heavy rainfall from washing away the grounds. Councillor Bray also requested permission to have Hydro remove their equipment from the bottom of the Municipal Office in order to make two police offices. Permission was granted. A discussion was held on the Advisory Planning Committee and Mr. Dave Henderson, Community Planning Officer, Department of Treasury, and Mr. Jack Marsh, District Engineer, Minister of Environ- ment, will be contacted by Council for their assis- tance in forming the ground rules for this committee. Due to no applications being received for the position vacant on the Recreation Committee, Coun- cil will advise the Committee of this and ask them to make recommendations to fill this position. 25th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED Neighbours and friends gathered at the home of Joan and George Nugent to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Stella and Bill Sadowick, who were married on October 4, 1947. Mrs. John Santerre was hostess for the evening. Their daughter Susie and her husband John Andrews attended from Toronto, along with Stella's mother Mrs. Shynkaryk and Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hisson all of Thunder Bay. Raoul Fournier presented the happy couple with a set of Lead Crystal glasses on behalf of the assembled guests. U.N.l.C .E.F. HALLOWE'EN CANVASS Again this year, the students of St. Martin's School will be conducting the door-to-door Hallowe'en canvass in Terrace Bay on behalf of UNICEF. UNICEF (The United Nations Children's Fund) is an operational arm of the United Nations. Formed as an emergency organization fo help victims of World War Il, its task is now the protection and care of children in the developing nations == from before they are born until they are ready to start work. For its work in helping children, UNICEF received the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize. UNICEF is governed by a 30-nation Executive Board which sets policies and allocates funds for pro- jects. Its field staff throughout the developing world work directly with the governments of these countries. UNICEF's staff helps governments develop programs to benefit children and mothers. lts assistance is in the form of training programs, supplies and equip- ment. UNICEF's programs (except for emergencies) are long-range: to improve health, education, nut- rition and family and child welfare. UNICEF's income comes entirely from voluntary contributions == Continued on page 4 ......... Notice of Meeting The semi-annual meeting of the Terrace Bay Ladies Curling Club will be held in the Curling Club Lounge on Thursday, October 19th at 8 p.m. We ask all members to attend, and we also invite any ladies who are interesting in joining our Curl- ing Club this year. Any newcomers in town who would like to curl, and want further information, may contact Rhea Beaulieu at 825-3320 or Ollie Chapman at 825-3289.