PAGE 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS OCTOBER 4, 1972 PARENTS PLAN FOR GRADE EIGHT TRIP A meeting of parents of the Grade Eight students of St. Martin's School was held at the school last week to discuss the proposed class trip set for this coming June. Toronto appeared to be the unanimous choice among parents and students for this year's trip as the Toronto tour last year had proved both enjoyable and worthwhile. With this goal in mind, the parents set their sights on a total of at least $3000 to cover the expenses. It was felt that most of the minor fund-raising events should be eliminated. These are a nuisance to the townspeople and end up costing the parents money anyway. Rather, it was felt that the majority of the funds should be raised by having the students respon- sible to bring in their own money on a monthly basis. $8.00 per month was set as the amount each student would be required to contribute. This would be done over a nine-month period, September to May inclusive Most of the parents present at the meeting were of the opinion that the pupils should, as much as possible be responsible to earn this money themselves, by baby sitting, doing household chores, shovelling snow, etc. To assist them in their efforts, the students are organ- izing an "Employment Service" to let the residents of Terrace Bay know that they're available for work so they can earn most of the money they'll need for the trip. It's hoped that this item in the Terrace Bay News will inform most people in town of this service, and the students will be distributing handbills to all houses in town later this week to give every household a list of the names, addresses and phone numbers of the young people available for all sorts of odd jobs . By doing this, the parents and teachers are taking some of the responsibility off the class as a group, but are placing much more responsibility on the student as an indiviudal to raise the money for his trip In this respect each pupil has not only an individual responsibility for his monthly contribution, but he also has a responsibility to the group to participate in all group projects: if a person doesn't want to do his fair share of the work, he can't expect to share in the benefits earned by the others. Penner, The Grade Eight class was represented at this meeting by its executive which the class had elected the previous week. The executive consists of: Judy Zwaresh ( President); Joan Campbell (Vice-Pres- ident); Debbie Johnson (Secretary); and Carol Bouchard (Treasurer) The executive suggested several group projects for the year. They wanted to continue the practice of selling Easter chocolates and expressed the desire to work with the parents on the annual Walk-A-Thon in May. As far as could be foreseen, these would probably be the only door-to-door campaigns in town for the whole year except for a possible bottle drive early in January. The executive has written to Council to secure permission for this project. The parents at the meeting felt that it would be a good idea to meet again later in the school year to take stock of the situation at that time, and possibly come up with some new ideas. This meeting would be held sometime early in January. In the meantime, the students and their parents are hopeful that the residents of Terrace Bay will make use of the student labour force available and call on them to do any odd jobs that need doing. If you have leaves that need raking, floors that need washing, closets or garages that need cleaning, why not contact one of these students? You'll both ben- efit from the transaction! Watch for the flyer con- taining the names, addresses and phone numbers of all the Grade Eight students. It'll be dropped of at your home before the weekend. Keith (81:13. 7.18