OCTOBER 4, 1972 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 19 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS AND ANNOUNCEMERTS- Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) CASH IN ADVANCE. (1.00 if charmed). 3¢ PER WORD AFTER 25. FOR SALE - I968 Datsun Station Wagon. Phone 825-3816. FOR SALE = 1968 Ford. Power steering and power brakes. Phone 824-2281. FOR SALE - Electric stove, kitchen table and four chairs, utility teble, dining room light fixture, occasional chair, dress making form, power mower. Best Offer. Phone B82L=2694. CARD OF THANKS ~- We would like to express our sincere "Thanks' to everyone who sent flowers, baking, to Mae and Ken for looking after our children, and to everyone else who was SO kind during the recent loss of our mother. Your thoughtful- ness will always be remembered. - George and Shirley Caron. CARD OF THANKS - Vera and I take this opportunity to thank all the nice people who were sO kind to us on our departure from Terrace. Especially the electrical and instrument department and all our neighbours and friends. ~ The Magi's CARD OF THANKS ~- Our sincere thanks to all our friends for the lovely flowers and cards sent during the loss of my father. - Ted Kostiuk and Family. CARD OF THANKS ~- I would like to thank Dr. Adey and staff and all those who sent cards and visited and sent beking while I was in the Terrace Bay Hospital. - Mrs. Winnie Campbell. WANTED - used pool table. Phone 825-3850. WANTED TO BUY - Men's skates size I2, Phone 825-3324. HELP WANTED WANTED - Short order cook at Rec. Centre Snack Bar. Please apply to Mrs. Rochon. WANTED - Housekeeper end babysitter. Phone 825-3877. The Terrace Bay News Office will be closed Monday, October 9th due to Thanksgiving. Dead- line for all advertising and news material will be Tuesday, October 10th for this week only. We hope we have not caused any inconvenience fo advertisers or readers due to this closing. Look for your paper on Thursday instead of Wednesday . Business Directory YOUR SHELL OIL AGENT ed ROLLY SINOTTE COMPLETE HEATING OIL SERVICE SERVING SCHREIBER AND TERRACE BAY PHONE 825-3268 NOW AVAILABLE AT THE TERRACE BAY NEWS SIMCOE PLAZA OPTOMETRIST VERMACE iY 1119 ein AVE. PHOT 0 "ws || COPYING i. m. dodick PHONE 622-7726 GENERAL INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC BRUCE SIMO REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutual = Royal Group and Canadian Surety Bus. Phone 824-2562 Cottage 824-2820 NOTICE - Saws sharpened and small motors repaired. Phone 824-2108. NOTICE - Maryts Flower Shop = Business Hours - Tuesday to Seturdsy - 9:30 a.m. = 12:30 pems, 1:30 poms = 5:30 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY LAND WANTED Sportsman wishes to buy acreage, large or smell, suitable for hunting or fishing. No buildings. Please gend details and legal description to J. Jones, Box 852, Station K, Toronto, Onterio. "FREE" - Your own snowmobile repair parts and accessory catalogue = "SAVE UP TO 30" - just mall your name and address to "DIRECT DISTRIBUTING INC., P.O. BOX 1178, HULL, QUEBEC, CANADA." A complete selection of parts and access- ories to choose from. No matter where you live, you'll elways receive fast service. WH :13;7.\%