JUNE 30, 1971 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 Swimming Classes = cont'd from page 8 FAC RR at the Swimming Pool outlining time of class and in- structor. Be sure to check the lists posted at the Pool . Since the July set of classes will be relatively short, all swimmers are advised to attend all sessions if possible and to apply themselves while taking the classes. SWIMMING POOL SCHEDULE: June 30th to July 4th = Open Public Swimming from 2to5p.m. and 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, July 1st = Swim Pool closed due to Dominion Day celebrations. Monday, July 5th = Swimming lessons begin. Weekday and Weekend Schedule as follows: (July 5th on): - Week-days - 8:00 to 8:45 a.m. 8:45 to 1:00 p.m Royal Life Classes. 2:00 to 5 p.m. = Open Swim 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. = Adult Swim (18 years of age and over) 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (14 years of age and over) Weekends - 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. WADING POOL CLASSES Registration for these classes has now been extend + ed as the Recreation Office has not received suffi- cient names to start these classes. These classes are open to boys and girls who are entering kindergarten this year but are not 45 inches tall. If you would like to have your son or daughter enter these classes call the Recreation Office (3542) immediately. MINOR BASEBALL RESULTS At the time of this write-up, two of the four leagues have started their playoffs and results are as follows: = International League - First place, Chiefs (coach Pam Jones); Second place, Whips (coach S. Ballentine, J. Cornfield); Third place, Braves (coach Mrs. Sidhu). A sudden death game played on Wednesday, June 23rd, saw the Whips defeat the Braves. The' Whips will now meet the chiefs in a two out of three final playoff. American League - First place, Oricles (coach R. - Swim Team . = Red Cross and - Open Swim = Open Swim - Open Swim Mogquin); Second place, Tigers (coach B. McDon- YOUR A BI AOLI (LAN AY D HEADOQL ARTERY (WESTERN MUFFLERS STANDARD SERVICE Carries a lifetime guarantee. AS LOW AS Heavy-gauge, steel outer 98 shell. Rolled, blowout- proof ends. PREMIUM 'B Top-of-the-line muffler with ASLOW AS double steel shell, heavy zinc 55 coatings. Fully guaranteed. GUARANTEED AUTO PARTS (WESTERN MOTOR Oil "ALL SEASON" MULTIGRADE 10-W-30 Adapts to any tempera- ture. Superior detergen- cy. Built-in engine pro- tection. "HEAVY-DUTY" SAE grades 10W, 20W, 30. "STANDARD" ¢ x 10, 20, 30, 40. 37 Lo #0 BLADES A ALL EXPERTLY REBUILT STARTERS For most models. 20.95 upexchange n GENERATORS For most makes. 15.75 wocchnge + ALTERNATORS 7 Most G.M., Ford and@® Chrysler makes. 2 24.95 woxchnge 69: 33 qt. REGULATORS For most alternator systems. 4.65 veexchange For most vehicles. 30 EACH UP CARBURETORS For most cars. a WIPER 12.95 veexchonge REFILLS 35 : For most wipers. Pale UP WATER PUMPS Fo : Assembly complete with (RE LER) gaskets. Awe CZ WIPER Sad ARMS 98 05 J (e798 woxchange TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY LTD. For most vehicles. EACH UP - 010 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR 205 Walker St., Schreiber Peter Speziale Tel .-824-2351 Store Hours - Mon, thru Saturday 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Friday Evenings = 7 to 9 p.m + SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY PROMPTLY REFUNDED '011 | ald); Third place, Royals (coach E. Zwaresh). Sudden death game played on Thursday, June 24 h saw the Tigers defeat the Royals, allowing them fo play a two out of three game final against the Orioles. continued page 10...... wit --