TERRACE BAY NEWS MAY 26, 1971 Goo tie CHURCH of your eve TERRACE BAY ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev, A, Greengrass SUNDAY MASS = 9.00, 10.30 A.M. and 4.45 P.M. CONFESSION - Saturday - 7:00 = 8:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CHURCH - Reve P. McKague MORNING WORSHIP - 11,00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL - Grades 5-8 = 9. 30 | AM.; 4 - 11.00 A.M, Baby Care to Grade COMMUNION «= There will be no Anglican Commmion Services until September, ROSSPORT SCHREIBER 8%, JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH = Rev. AL. Chabot SUNDAY SERVICE - lst and 8rd Sunday each month at 7;00 P.M. and Communion. EVENING PRAYERS ~ 2nd, 4th and 5th Sunday each month at 7.00 P.M, ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Reve E.C. Prinselaar MORNING WORSHIP - 11,00 A.M.; CHURCH SCHOOL - Nursery, Kin- | dergartan and Gr, 1 - 11,00 A.M.; Primary, Gr.2 and 3 = 9.30 AM.5dumior Grades 4,5,6 = 9.30 A.M.; Intermediates - Tuesday - 7.00 P.M, HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev, F.J. Meyer DAILY MASS - Monday, Wednesdsy and Friday - 5.15 P.M. Tuesday and Thursday ~ 6.30 P.M, SUNDAY SERVICE 9,30, 11.00 A.M. and = 7.15 P.M, CONFESSION ~ Sgburdsy - 7:15-8:00 and before daily mass. ; GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev, R.L. Dye ST. BERCHMAN'S CHURCH MID WEEX SERVICE - 7.00 P.M. - WEDNESDAY gr MASS = Beary, Sorday at 7.80 .b. VORSHIP SERVICE - 11,00 AK, EVENING PRAYERS - 7,00 P.M. TOWN TOPICS (Grade 2) and Teddy Luke (Grade 3) each covered 18 miles. i : Several Kindergarten pupils entered and their Walk-a-thon ~ cont'd from page 1 ...... best distance was 10 miles: Gordie Lang, Ingrid entered and 18 of them did the whole 20 miles; 1 Kuran and Craig Anderson were three of these. stopped at the half-way point; 1 made 16 miles ~ Good manners forbid that the "oldest" walker be the other pupil covered 18 miles. named, but of the adults who officially entered The top money-maker was Mrs. Lynn Walsh who Mrs. Betty Randa, Mrs. Lynn Walsh and Mike earned $32.60 for the Grade 8's by walking the full | Anderson completed the 20 miles (on aching feet!). 20 miles. Second was Debbie Vienneau, a Grade Walk-a-Thon officials report that there is still a 7 student, who made $23.50 for her 20 mile jaunt. considerable amount of money outstanding. Poor The first walker to cover the 20-mile route was weather has hampered many of the children in their Gerard Pineault a Grade 8 student, who finished in | collections, but it is hoped that all money will be just under five hours. Second was Edward Angus in by the end of this week. If you have any money (Grade 7) and Michael Fournier (Grade 6) came in to turn in, please bring it in as soon as possible. third. Collections will be made at St. Martin's School The "walking-est" families were those of Pete between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. every day this week. Caron and Butch Bouchard. The four Caron children The walk=a-thon was certainly a success, and ifs (Mona, Billy, Diane & Paul) all covered the 20 success depended on the efforts and co-operation -- miles and made a total of $33.60 among them. The | of many people. To all those who helped in any four Bouchard entrants (Nancy, Carol, John and way - the walkers, the registrars, the check-point Raymond) also walked the full route and earned personnel, The St. John's Ambulance representatives, a total of $33.20. the members of the Terrace Bay Police Department The youngest participants to go the entire 20 miles were Greg Adamo (Grade 2) and Billy Caron and Raymond Bouchard (Grade 3). Ronnie Dakin and the Ontario Provincial Police the list is almost endless! To all of you - especially to the residents cont'd page 8 | Cn --yrey