PAGE 8 TERRACE B Y NEWS MAY 19, 1971 = ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND FORESTS The Department of Lands & Forests is pleased to announce a new Forest Fire Reporting System. To report a forest fire Dial Operator and ask for ZENITH 92000 (toll free) Your continued co-operation in reporting all forest fires promptly is appreciated. D.E. Gage, District Forester. CANADIAN RADIO-TELEVISION COMMISSION The Canadian Radio-Television Commission announces the following decision: Decision CRTC 71-168 MARATHON, ONT, = 71000 Application by Lakeshore Community Television Ltd, 1) To acquire the assests of a CATV broadcasting undertaking serving Marathon, Ont, from Penin- sula Utilities Limited: and For a licence to carry on the CATV broadcasting undertaking to serve Marathon, Ont, upon sur- render of the current licence issued to Peni- sula Utilities Limited, Decision: APPROVED The Commission grants a licence for a period ending September 30, 1975 subject to the conditions which will be specified in the licence, Peninsula Utilities Limited is & company which does not oemply with the direction on Canadian ownership and its licence cannot be renewed after January 12, 1971. Upon the acquisition of the assets as proposed in the application, Lakeshore Community Television Limi- ted, an eligible Canadian Corporation owned by resi- dents of the region, will become the licensee of this CATV undertaking, RTC=24-10~5-71 2) Franklin Delaney Secretary, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY - Cont'd fr. pg. 2 and the other by Sue Brophy. Hugh Brophy was Master of Ceremonies for the evening. C.W.L. MONTHLY MEETING HELD The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's Leagye, [CONTACT ANY MEMBER OF THE MEN'S CURLING | TERRACE BAY CURLING CLUB WIND - UP BANQUET AND DANCE SATURDAY, MAY 29th. in the moose hall BANQUET = 6:15 p.m. DANCE - 9:00 p.m. to ? Music BY THE RHYTHM KINGS OF MANITOUWADGE Admission o banquet and dance $7.50 COUPLE e dance only : $4.00 COUPLE CLUB EXECUTIVE FOR TICKETS - (HUGH BROPHY, JIM ROGERS, JACK CHAPMAN). ry Softin.of Jours parish was held Sunday evening ontinued next column A passage from the Jerusalem Bible was read by Mrs. R. Dakin. A decade of the Rosary was recited for the intention of a successful Convention held in Thunder Bay May 10,11, 12th at St. Margarets' Parish, at which time the President, Mrs. Dashkewytch, Mrs. Regis and Spiritual Director Father Greengrass will attend. The meeting opened with the League prayer. Mrs. L. Malashewski read the minutes of the last monthly meeting. A thank you letter received from Father Kovac of New Guinea was read thanking the members for their generous donation to him at Christmas. The treasury report was given by Mrs. P. Regis. Mrs. A. Chepelsky, Social Economic & Civic Life convener, stated that the Diabetic Association will hold their meeting in Schreiber August 28th, everyone is wel- come. A write-in was held by Mrs. M. Roberts, Christian Family Life convener, where concerned mem- 4 bers wrote letters to their Members of Parliament pro- testing against the Liberalization of Abortion Law. Mrs. E. Falzetta, Social Action convener read her re- port. Mrs. Dashkewytch stated that the theme of the League this year will be "Youth of to-day". Gifts will be given to the - Continued on page 9