-- PAGE 16 TERRACE BA Y NEWS APRIL 8, 17/1 Some 250 service groups are located within the province - from Fort Frances and Keewatin on the west, to Cornwall on the east and from Windsor fo Kapuskasing « The majority of these service groups have hospital beds, wheel chairs, walker, crutches and canes and kindred hospital equipment available to be loaned out, free of charge, to any person in need of such aid. The 1.0.0.F. and Rebekahs have not restricted their field of service to their hospital bed program but have further undertaken to extend their services by aiding any worthy case in a community regardless of what type of assistance such case may involve. Occasionally our groups will sponsor something in their communities to raise additional funds to purchase more hospital equipment or to aid in more needy cases. It is the hope of the Order that readers will hence- forth recognize that whenever they support or aid in any way the work carried on by the 1.0.0.F. and Rebekahs every last cent is put to work for the purpose of relieving distress wherever found. At our recent penny auction event the bedspread was won by Mrs. Jean Stitt. The committee is most gratified with the public support. Mrs. Rose Hatfield, district deputy president, District 41, will be a special guest at the Ruby Rebekah Lodge meeting on Wednesday, April 14th. Following the meeting the members will enjoy a card party and lunch in the lower hall. ~ CANCER CAN BE BEATEN! Help spread the good news that cancer can be beat- en through preventive measures, through early diagnos is and through adequate treatment. As a safeguard, see your family doctor about any unusual health symptons. Give encouragement to the thousands of volunteers who dedicate - cont'd page 17 .... C.P.T.A. TO ELECT OFFICERS Sister Marvel Belfry, principal of Holy Angels' School, af their regular meeting, reminded parents of the parent-teacher interviews which will be held following the receipt of report cards by the students. held last month in the Schreiber high school . | "A Galaxy on Ice". The program opened with The 1 Weathercast made up of the following numbers: 'She also thanked the women who had provided lunch on the occasion of the public speaking contest ' Anthony Speziale; vice principal, who presided for the meeting readvised members that election of officers will be held at the next regular meeting urging parents to stand for office when contacted by the nominating committee. Minutes and financial reports were adopted as read by Mrs. Joyce Reid and Mrs. Mavis Godin. Mr. Speziale then introduced J.D. Stephens, academic administrator of Thunder Bay, who, after a short explanatory talk, divided the group into small workshops, asking them to chose five priorities they would implement in the school - if they were the school board. Some surprising differences of opinion were discovered. g Mr. Stephens dealt with all of them, explaining, il in some instances, what type of school would develop if these were used. Left to Right: Guest speaker, Mr. J. D. Stephens, Sister, Mariel Belfry and Father F. J. Merfer. "A GALAXY ON ICE" The figure skating club named its show this year g 4 Rainbow Trio = Laurel Lark, Susan Smith, Tracy Wilde, Moon Band - the pre-schoolers and kindergarten; Astronauts = Linda Huard and Rae Sisson; Parade of the Stars = Sun Beams = Ann Bailey, Darlene Fummerton; Sun Goddess - Rae Sisson; Heavenly Fairies = featuring Karen Carmichael; Guest Skater = Linda Dejonghe, of Terrace Bay. This was followed by the junior finale .- copy' d page | 4 1