"i PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS JANUARY 21, 1971 SKI CLUB NEWS Note that "ADVANCED" ski classes will be CROSSWORD PUZZLE . held on Sundays at 1:30 P.M, starting January 24 - Todav's A : NOT January 29th as announced in last weeks news. Le RORS 1. Eo 2% filed QUOYS # nswar Beginners and Intermediates classes will be on Sat- address 2.Printer's 16. Mr. Dia- : . 5. Friars commodity mond 4 urdays at 9:30 A.M. starting January 23rd. All titles 3. Musie 19. Throw . instruction is based on the Canadian Ski Instructors Ji ee a 4 liar : ja te EB y * H - 10. Garland suffix 22. Monster Alliance Ski Technique a world known method . Carlene ty suton 23 Moses Bnthusiasm is growing for the Saturday morning winner centimes tea . . . n 12. Diving bird 6. Waken. cakes ski racing league. Have you signed up yet? If not, | 13 Expressing 7. Working 24. PTA. i nd H . . a reason beast members 7 x join the fun. Rocing will be based on a handicap 2 unl PM 33. Deception : system, so you don't have to be the best to win. 14. Pronoun forocean 26. Chests 38. Female 4 . . . 15. Blueprints liners 28. Put on rabbit | But you will have to try hard all the time in order 17. Calif. 9. Emcee's the job 39. Coach to come out on top ET metropolis " place 3. Sore Parsegnian 7 18. Progres- 11. Roofing 1. Flutter 41. See | Those who have not purchased their 1970 - 1971 sion material overhead Across | . A 20. Attending: 13. Sugar 32. Fido's 42. Printed ; memberships by January 23rd will have to start 21. Incite source friend commercial | paying now - members tow rates. Ze Slarting mY TT 3 SKI TIPS 23. Secret i ETI . agents 9 0 0 1. When leaving your skis outside the chalet, stand ere 7 i them up well away from the hill. If you leave a ski WL 5 faa - : flat on the snow a little nudge could send it half Munich fo lL | x hi ink f f | 29. Alternative + 1 29 way to Longlac - or crashing into one of your fel - 30. Meditators " ' low skiers. 34. Symbol . 1 : for neon 23 24 25 [26 2. There is a right and a left hand ski pole. Also Gig there is a right and a wrong way to hold a ski pole.| 36.Cryot 2 Ee ~ Would you like to know how? ATTEND INSTRUC- een |" Te TT pees TION CLASSES! 39. A Gardner 5a 3% <I: rn 40. Masonry 41. One man, 37 £0) 39 many INSTALLATION SERVICE - JANUARY 26th women a0 a |e 43. Oracle's . . I i 4. Installation Services for the Reverend Peter " IStalive me i Fl McKague will be held on Tuesday evening, Janu- month ary 26th, at 8:00 P.M. in the Community Church. "Where can we pick up a left wing real fast?" TREVOR THE OLP TRAFFIC BUG SAYS = -- fo nD E J di LY 3 S oe L ea ty iad Ce RO Spe. iy Ro gus] (Fi WHEN PASSING - BE SURE YouRE CLEAR -- R®oTH FRONT AND REAR