STK PAGE 6 I Schreiber ana TO - our many friends in Rossport, Terrace Bay. At the turn of the road, where the old year ends What a pleasure it is, to greet old friends -- With, "A Very Merry Christmas fo you 4 And, "Have a Happy New Year, too! " Sincerely, Pring & Jean Plummer, Melfort Dr.,R.R. #1, Cobble Hill,V.l1.B.C. MIXED MEDIA ART WORKSHOP-Cont'd 3 of Toronto was the constructor. Landscape and string painting were executed in oils, acrylics and inks. All sessions were most in- formative and the whole group derived a great benefit from an artists of Mr. Miller's calibre here The draw on the oil painting displayed in the Credit Union window, will be made on Saturday night, December 19th, at the Junior hockey game