> Page 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS RECREATION NEWS - - by Jerry Dupas Recent calls have been made to the Recreation Of- fice requesting that our Department sponsor another " "Keep Fit" class for ladies. THIS IS ENCOURAGING TO SEE AS THE PEOPLE OF THE COMMUNITY CAN PLAN A DIRECT ROLE IN ESTABLISHING PRO- grammes that are wanted! As mentioned in last week's News, if you have an interest in an activity, whether it be physical or cultural, make your interests known to the Recreation Office. If you are interested in joining the "Keep Fit" classes, simply call the Recreation Office (3542) and leave your name. Details relative to time of sessions, cost, etc., will be announced later. PREPARE FOR FALL AND WINTER ACTIVITIES-- REGISTER FOR "KEEP FIT" CLASSES. JUNIOR BADMINTON CLINIC If you are between the ages of 10 to 15 and would like either to learn about the game of Badminton or develop your skills, CALL THE RECREATION OFFICE (3542) and leave your name. For the boys and girls who took part in the spring Clinic, you may rejoin providing we do not receive 26 new names. New players will be given priority. First session is scheduled for Saturday, October 14th. MINOR HOCKEY GROUPS COMMENCE PLANS At a special meeting held on Saturday, September 12th, for the North Shore Minor Hockey Association, S.Zwaresh, J.Pederson and E.Boucher made represen-- tation for Terrace Bay. The annual meeting of the North Shore Minor Hock- ey Association will be held in Schreiber on October 18th. At that time C .Brassard, S.Zwaresh, J.Peder- son and J.Dupas will submit teams for North Shore competition based on hockey registrations received prior to the meeting. REGISTRATION FOR MINOR HOCKEY PLAYERS WILL TAKE PLACE DURING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 12TH. WATCH FURTHER ISSUES OF THE "NEWS" FOR DETAILS REGARDING REGISTRATION. ADULT BADMINTON CLUB Anyone wishing to join the Adult Badminton Club is asked to be at the High School Auditorium on Thurs- day, September 24th, at 8:00 p.m. At that time, plans will be finalized for the upcoming season. If you are interested in being part of the Club, be sure fo attend and participate in the planning. MINOR HOCKEY PLAYERS TAKE NOTE If you are interested in playing hockey this winter, be prepared to register by the date as selected by continued next col September 24, 1970 Minor Hockey, as late registrations WILL NOT be accepted. Plan to register on time or be prepared not to hockey . ' JUNIOR HOCKEY play In an attempt to decide whether or not Terrace Bay will ice a Junior Team this season, the Junior Hockey ex ecutive will be meeting shortly to formulate plans in determining the feasibility of a Junior Hockey team. ROLLER SKATING : A reminder that the last session for roller skating will be Sunday, October 4th, so make sure you take advantage of the few sessions that are left. tvery Sunday evening in the Arena from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. GIRLS" FASTBALL RESULTS This past weekend, the Terrace Bay Girls' Fastball team played host to the Manitouwadge girls' team, and then journeyed to Manitouwadge on the Sunday afternoon for a return game with Manitouwadge. The Saturday game saw Terrace Bay defeated by Manitou- wadge with a score of 28-13 but on Sunday the Ter- race Bay girls made a strong comeback by defeating Manitouwadge 30-19. : Tentative plans are for possible games with Mara- thon this coming weekend. Watch the bulletin board for notices on this. A special vote 'of thanks goes to the girls' coach, Mrs . Jean Fisher, and those who provided transporta= tion on Sunday afternoon. If a game can be sche- duled here in Terrace Bay this coming weekend, come out and cheer our girls on. COMING EVENTS Thursday, September 24th - Chamber of Commerce Meeting, small room of Recreation Centre, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, September 24th - Registration and play night, Terrace Bay Badminton Club - 8:00 p.m., at High School Auditorium. Sunday, September 27th - Roller Skating at Arena - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. October 24th - C.W.L. Penny Auction - St.Martin's Church Hall. > The Sunday School Primary Grades of the Com- munity Church will start on Sunday, September. 27, at 11.15 A.M. This includes ages 3, up to Grade One. The L.A. to Guides and Brownies will hold their monthly meeting on September 28th at 8.15 P.M. in the Community Church basement. Everyone Welcome!