JUNE 5, 1970 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 hk, Recovery of swimming pool construction costs It is our understanding that receipts from swimming pool donations and memberships are to be taken into the Township revenue fund until such time as the amounts expended by the Township in past years on construction and maintenance ef the pool and change-house have been fully recovered. Subsequent receipts from these sources would be paid directly to the Recreation Committee to finance operating expenses. The unrecovered balance of the pool end change-house costs at December 31, 1969 was $10,880, as follows: Balance December 31, 1968 Memberships 1969 $13,838 2,958 Balance December 31, 1969 $10,880 SCHREIBER TOWN COUNCIL Regular meeting of Schreiber town council was held with sev- en members present. Reeve Harness stated the lease for the doctor's office was ready to sign. The road superintendent said all big items would be pickec up during clean-up week. Township will provide water and sewer facilities on Bay- view St., users will be charged regular sewage rates. Statement from MPP Jack Stokes advising that the OWRC thas approved a revised propo- .gal for provincial sewage works program for the township was received. Agenda from Ontario Good Roads Association for a school for road superintendents was also received. Ed Borutski will attend the Good Roads meet- ing in Thunder Bay June 9-10. Clerk is to advertise for ten- ders for painting of the exterior of town hall. A letter was received from! Schreiber Parks and Recrea- tion Committee requesting ap- proval to hire a recreational di- rector, an -assistant and two} helpers for their summer Pro- } gram. Council approved their ; plans in principle also that the { recreation committee include these estimates in their budget. } Councillor Caccamo presented | a report of a meeting with rep- resentatives of the Spy Club and the recreation committee re- garding a proposed hostel. Water works accounts of $31.12 and general accounts to $1,572.48 were passed for pay- "ment. CGIT MOMS GUESTS AT BANQUET Schreiber CGIT held a moth- 'er and daughter banquet May 25 in the United Church hall. |Special guests were Rev. and Mrs. E. Prinselaar, Mrs. Helen |Jartus and Nola Fummerton. ' Rev. Prinselaar said grace. The toast to the queen was giv- 'en by Linda Birch. Brenda Kry- stia toasted the mothers and Mrs. June Dukes responded. Mrs. Helen Jartus, who in- structed the girls on the S¢t. 'John Ambulance basic child' care course, gave an interesting , address and named the girls who will receive their certificates. They are Linda Birch, Jayne 'Davis, Lynne Drake, Susan Johnson, Doris Lehto, Joan Richardson, Judy and Janet Lengyel, Debra Smith, Billy ,Ann Weaver, Clover Dukes, Debbie and Lynda Gemmell, Brenda Krystia, Sharon Smith, Debbie McCanna. Mrs. Althea Graham RN gave the girls their examination on the child care course. The junior group gave a dance and a skit and to end the evening the group joined in a sing-song. Darcy Furlonger of Schreiber is holidaying in Ottawa. Suzanne Chicoine, Humber College, Toronto, and David Winters, Ryerson, Toronto, are in Schreiber for holidays. Mrs. Dwight Marshall and children, Kim and Jackie have left for Paducah, Kentucky, to 'join her husband. PLANS OUTLINED BY COMMITTEE Bill Malcolm presided for Schreiber parks and recreation committee meeting held in Par- ish centre. It was decided to assist in forming a boxing club with Joe Figiomeni to organize the pro- gram from Grade 1 on. The recreation group will also sponsor a summer program for all age groups with Gary Speck' hired to organize programs as- sisted by Joyce Cluet. Play-, ground supervisors are Brenda Laloride and Carolyn Glad. Gordon Moorey will be in charge of the swimming classes and registration will be first part of June. LEGION WOMEN RAISE $297 .39 Ladies Auxiliary to Royal Caradian Legion, Branch 109, held May meeting with Mrs. Vi Rigelsford presiding. Mrs. Louella McColeman gave sick and visiting report. The members canvassed for Salvation Army and collected $297.39. It was decided to cater ' for August wedding. June hostesses include Mes- dames Lil Christie, Edna Cocks and Joan Costell. The auxiliary's birthday party was held May 23 with district representative Mrs. R. Johnson of Atikokan present along with Marathon and Ter- race Bay visitors. A smorgas- bord and cabaret followed. ; MARATHON HIGH DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS PLAY Marathon High School Drama Club presented two plays "Exit the Body" by Fred Carmichael, and "The Sandbox" by Edward Albee, in the Schreiber High School Auditorium Tuesday evening May 26th. "Exit the Body" was a fast moving mystery, and the audience certainly enjoyed it. "The Sandbox " was a short play, humorous, but with a touch of sadness on society's treatment of the aged. A lot of credit should go to these young people for their fine performances and to all the others who helped make these plays such a success. Mr. and Mrs. Kendel Johnson of Trail B.C. re- newed old acquaintances with Harry and Mary Martinson whom they had not seen for 25 years. Mitz Saukauye had his nephews and niece from Toronto to accompany him on a fishing trip.