TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 15 AUGUST 13, 1969 Schreiber's new doctor. Dr. Wykes, a native of Leicester, England, is being assisted in his office by Mrs. Helen D'Arcy, R.N. and his wife, Eileen, who has an M.A. and H. Dip. Ed., from Trinity College Dublin, until he establishes his permanent staff. Their six year old son has already established his coterie of friends. Dr. Wykes, to his surprise, has LEGION FIELD DAY SUCCESS A 'hrong of Parland: original Laurie Nesbitt cavorting, costumed smali child- comic Debbie Beauparlant. ren followed Jack Handel, mar- Assisting with she races were, shal for the parade on the Legion Jack Friesen (pavmaster) Larry | Field Day, August 4. Bourke, Ken Davis, Jack Handel, Douglas Moore was chairman Jack Stokes. John Wiznuk, tvan of the day assisted by all mem- Johnson, and John Small. bers of both the Legion and its All children entering, 6 and ladies auxiliary. Music for the under, were given money. evening was provided by Mary Hollinger of Fort William and the big draw of the day was won by Bill Maicolm. Free treats, balloons and flags were given to the children. The costume judges, Mrs. Jack Handel, Mrs. John Spillane and Dennis Willer, awarded prizes as follows: ' Decorated trike and ride Jef- frey McCanna; Decorated prams with baby Shane and Shannon Riley; fancy dress Colleen Mc- Gther winners were: 7 years Maureen Moore; boys Ken Seidel. 8 years Cathy Mulligan; boys, Lawrence McParland; 9 years: Barbara Huard; 10 vears Louise Morin; boys 1i-12 Bryar McKenzie; boys, Bob Smilsky; boys 12 Werner 18 years Donna Lefroy; boys. Terry Armstrong. Girls Open hoe Stokes; men Photo below - Some of the costume prize winners in children's parade on Legion field day - left to right Laurie Nesbitt, Georgia, Kelly and Aaron Wars ond Jerre McCanna. Photo by |. pituaia® boys Rainer already found another native of Leicester, Pat Newton living in Schreiber, with mutual acquaintances . O.P.P. Report - cont'd from page 14 .... There were two charges laid under the Highway Traffic Act, 22 warnings were issued for minor infractions and defective equipment. Highways and other roads patrolled in miles - 2,886 and total duty hours - 256. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Last Week's ACROSS 44.Impudence 11.Station- 1, Dash or 45. Cushy ary A ae sprint 46. Bronte 13. Rapid 5. Sound of an character rodent angry exit 16. Leaps 9, Fragrant DOWN 17. Gal wood 1. Riposte ofa 10. Entices 2. First musical 2 ig -- name hit and . Greeting 3. Mr. others UIBIEIRISI 14. Compass Coolidge, 19. Shadow SAINTS Sets point tofriends 23. Latvian MEUAISISIERIEIRIER 15. Escape: sl. 4. Erbium river 35. Wireless 16. Charity symbol 24. The call of a sort 5. David's world 36. Back of 18. Famed weapon 25. Dis- the neck maritime 6. Lutetium covers 37. Vegetable publication: symbol 27. Music used in. abbr. 7. Italian note soups 19. To do river 28. Twinge 38. Scorch without 8. Bill of 30. Parry 41. Snoop 20. Latin fare 33. Devout- y Like connective 9. Amass ness 4, Exist 21. Become 7 yy a poet. O, Vy, Wi aime = PT TTT et Th k 26. Prison 7 Z nee LLL APT TI 28. Smoothing W Y, ge 29. Kind of a PE ea Lek ded cee 30.Miss Wray f= Y) WZ. ZZ. WZ otscreen § PO] | | PP lore WL WY et pete. Pe) ae Aa | 32. Unlocks 29 wi a UY " Y 34. Norse god im 4 pea eee See ee 38. Relative of LMA S 7 Li) a silty ete 40. Man's PA ee nickname D a 7 41. Saucy BY =t--~ Dr. Timothy R. Wykes, M.R.C.S.; L.R.L.P. Oo Eeainy The London Conjoint Board of Examiners, is family