TERRACE BAY™ ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH - Rev. A.P. Harris - Phone 3231 SUNDAY MASSES - 8.15 BoM Weekday Masses - Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6.30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 7eAS ReMe Saturday CONFESSION - Saturday 4 - 5 p.m. and 7 - 8 p.m agenda. in both areas . nectina Ita Council Quotes - continued from page 2 Department stated that the drainage problem which causes flooding each year will take priority on the Lower Lakeview and lower Superior will be inclu- ded in a plan of action with storm sewer eXtensions The Annual Maintenance By-Law for Road Main- tenance is $15,000. Accounts passed for payment were - Township $9,680 - Hydro - $11,094.40 - Recreation $4,926.95 and Library $447.78. Councillor Farrell stated that the Public Health Department insists that the Boy Scout Headquarters hut must have adequate sewage disposal before the hut can be used. The Group Committee will be asked to install these sewage disposal facilities . Councillor Desrosiers announced that Hydro Ac- counjs are now payable at the Municipal Office. Since Kimberly-Clark no longer has payroll deduc- tion for these accounts, some householders have failed to pay their accounts at the office. Under pro- visions of the Hydro Electric Power Commission Act, action will be enforced impartially. This provides for eventual disconnection and a charge for re-con- The By-Laws that were sent to the town solicitors ERRACE BAy_ NE\ at RVICE Corner Mill Road & Highway I7 - - Phone 3359 and 44s PeMe 9.00 BeMe for amendments to include the new Lakeview sec- tion in the present townsite, have not yet been re- turned and although changes will be made to these By-Laws, the actual means of instituting the Lake- -- view extension project and financial arrangements for same are at the present still being considered. In the Police Report the School Bus was damaged by vandals. Two persons were apprehended and charges of 'wilful damage' laid. em PROPERTY REBATE (Continued from page 1) he said, with certain exceptions such as municipal= -- ities which have just been reassessed. "In other words, if a municipality were to have the same mill rate in 1969 as it had last year, the amount of tax reduction applying to an individual household will be the same. If the mill rate goes up, the amount of tax reduction will also go up." The 50 per cent minimum is being introduced to ensure that no properties are totally exempted from local taxes by this reduction, he said. This is keeping with the principle of participation by every -- household in paying for local services. Summer cottages are an example of the low-taxation proper= ties that will be affected by the change; some of these were totally exempted last year. He said the change concerning Crown properties followed consultation with the Minister of Trade and Development and the Federal Minister of Financé It covers eligibility for 1968 as well as for 1969. The Province owns about 20,000 rental housing units in Ontario and the Federal Govt. owns 10,000. FIRE - AUTO AND CASUALTY INSURANCE BRUCE SIMON NOTARY PUBLIC Schreiber - Phone 315 SEE US FOR FINE QUALITY CLEANING To took better, your gar- ments need the extra care we. give in every phase of our dry cleaning service. Send us your cleaning now. CLEANERS "v"< Tailors and a Launderers