Page 2 Terrace Bay News February 13 , 1969 ATTEND THE CHURCH TERRACE BAY SCHREIBER . ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. A. L. Chabot ST. MARTINS CHURCH - "ev. A. P. Herris ~ Phone 3231 Sunday Service - Ist and 3rd Sunday each month at 7 p.m. SUNDAY MASSES -6.15 a.m., I0 a.m. end 4.45 p.m and Communion Weekday Masses - Monday, Wedmesday, Friday 6.30 p.m 2nd, 4th end Sth Sundays 7 p.m - Evening Prayer Tuesdey, Thurdey 7.45 asm Every Sunday 10.30 a.m. - Sunday School Saturday 9.00 a.m CONFESSIONS - Saturdey 4 - 5 p.m. and 7 - & p.m. ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH - Rev. E. C. Prinselsar-Ph. I6IM Thureday before first Friday each month - 7 - 8 pi. Worship Service - II a.m MASS ON FIRST FRIDAY EACH MONTH - 6.30 p.m. Sunday School ~ every Sunday at assigned time and place COMMUNITY CHURCH - Rev. T. G. Husser - Phone 3396 HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev. J. M. Cano - Phone 7 SUNDAY SCHOOL - All grades 2 - 9 - 9a.m. Daily Mass-Monday, Wednesday & Friday 5.15 p.m. Pre-school and graze I - II a.m, - PERMANENT . Tuesday and Thursday 7230 poem Saturday 9.00 a.m MORNING WORSHIP - IIa.m. "Crossing the River" Sunday Mass - 8.00, 9.30 and II avn. Communion CONFESSIONS - Saturday 4.30 - 5.30 and 7 to 8.30 and before 7.00 p.m. Open Forum and Community Dialogue on the subject all deily masses 'What Do You Think Your Church Roard Should Be : Doing?" "Your Minister?" "The Members of the GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH -Rev. R. L. Dye Church?" Morning Service and Sunday School - II a.m NOTICE Confirmation Classes - Thursday I3 - 4.15 Evening Worship - 7. p.m ROSSPORT EVANCELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH ~ Rev. J. Tews ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S CHURCH 2nd and 4th Sunday each month - Worship Service Mass every Mondey at 7 p.m. es TOWN TOPI C S : The proposed buget for 1969 was read and approved mes $25 .00 was turned over to Mr. Husser, for the Transient Fund . The Manse Fund was discussed | - PROJECTS ANNOUNCED BY LADIES AUXILIARY Ways and Means Convenor, Mrs. S. Brown, reported Oe SC ae Te mee oe that plans gre well under way for a Fashion Show The Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Church met} to be held on March I5th, at the Terrace Bay Monday evening in the Church Hall, with Mrs. C. Motor Hotel . Slomke presiding. Mrs. Slomke opened the me eting This will be in the form of a Buffet Lucheon, from with a welcome to all present, and read a short 12 .15 to 1.30 Saturday afternoon, with Fashions poem. Mrs. B. Wise, secretary read the minutes from Kolesar's, and Hats from Vogue Millinery. of the previous meeting, and the executive meeting. | Tickets are limited to 100, and are $2.25 per plate Correspondence included thank you notes, for cards There will be door prizes, and you are advised to sent out. An appeal was read from the Canadian get your tickets early. Mental Health Association, for a donation, and In April, there will be a Bridge Party, In May, $25 .00 was allocated to this worthy organization. a rummage sale, and later in May, the ladies will Superior Presbyterial will hold their annual cater to the C.G.1.T. Supper. In June there will meeting on Tuesday, February 25, at First Church be a Travelling Bake Sale, and in September, a United, and all ladies interested are welcome. Pot Luck Congregu tional Supper. There is a pos- For those who would like to attend, travelling sibility of a Cooking School in the fall, and Dec- expenses and billeting will be provided. Please ember will bring the Dedication of the Christmas contact Mrs. C. Slomke, if you are interested. stockings and bells and the annual Christmas party. St. Martin's Separate School, in a spirit of The Mainse Committee brought in a resolution Christain Unity, collected used Christmas cards an stair carpeting for the Manse, and this was ac- and gave them to the Community Church, to be cepted. sent to a school for retarded children. Sick and Visiting Convenor, Mrs. E. Haughn, Mrs.-A. Farrow, treasurer, gave her report. gave her report. Property (con't on page 4)