PAGE 12 Rossport - cont'd from page 13 booklet of recipes at next meeting of the society. Plans were finalized for the penny auction with the date set for Sunday, November 24th in the communi ty hall. It was noted that many articles and novel- ties were suitable for Christmas exchange gifts. The treasurer presented a favourable financial report. It was decided to ask each catholic family in the village for penny auction articles and luncheon. A request was made for used toys and clothing for a charitable organization. Names were drawn for the exchange of gifts at the Christmas party following the December meeting. The closing prayers were offered for the deceased members of the community. ~ The hostess then served luncheon. THE ANGEL'S HARP Parents of Holy Angels' School students, have turned out en masse during the last two and a half months to assist in the cataloging, covering, sorting and shelving of over four thousand new library books All of the allotted ten dollar per pupil grant for boo books was spent in stocking the school's new central reference library. As well as reference books and encyclopediae, the library also offers a wide selec- tion of film strips, records, pictures, maps, and charts for pupil's use in individual research work. It is expected that the library will be operational by November 29th. Teacher Inter-Visitation A programme of inter-visitation among the teach- ers of the Public, Separate and High Schools of Schreiber has been in operation for the last four weeks. Through this system of inter-visitation, the teach- ers hope to gain greater insight into different educa- tional methods. which are in use at other grade lev- els. The high school teachers are keenly interested TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBex 14, 1968 SOTTO!! PHOTO: Front row - Mrs. MacIssac, Mrs. Kusik, Mrs. . "olan, tirs. Inbeault, Mrs. Morin, Mrs. Bedard; Back row - Sister St. Timothy, lirs. Bourke, Mrs. Wiznuk, Mrs. Mullins, Irs. Campbell, Irs. Major, Irs. Tremblay. in the Language Experience approach to learning as out- lined in the Hall-Dennis Re- Here, Mr. Tessier of Schreiber High School, is discussing a reading assignment with Dennis Speziale a grade three pupil at Holy Angel's School. Remembrance Day was commemorated at Holy Angels School on Friday, November 8th, opening with the singing of the National Anthem. This was followed by a reading of the message from the Min- _ister of Education, Wm. Davies. Later, the choir sang "O Valiant Hearts" after which one minute silence was kept in honor of the War Dead. A prayer was offered. One representative from each school organiza- tion stood guard in uniform at the constructed cenotaph while the class representatives each pre- sented a wreath on behalf of the class. Pictured on page 11 (Top) are the representa- tives or each organization and class representa- tives along with Mr. A. Speziale - Vice-Princi- pal, Sister St. Timothy, Principal andFather Cano Parish Priest. (Cont'd on page 11)