OCTOBER 10, 1968 Retreat - cont'd from page 4 United Church, Mrs. F.G. Hicken. The Inspirational Retreat be- gan with Worship Service, un- der the guidance of Mrs. C. Slomke, held in the Sanctuary. Mrs. D. Broadhurst, President of the Ladies Auxiliary, wel- comed all the ladies. Mrs. Em Lohr was at the organ. Retiring to the Sunday School rooms, Mrs. Slomke introduced the guest speaker. Miss Smith, a Deaconess of the United Church, graduated from Waterloo Lutheran Univer-| sity in 1962, witha B.A. de- gree in Psychology and = phy. She worked with the Y. W.C.A. staff of Kitchener- Waterloo as Teen-age Program Director, attending the Y's conference in Japan, and going on to become involved in a ° pilot project with the Y, work- - ing with teen-agers of Canadian Indian Ancestry. She took part in the first Operation Beaver, sponsored by the Canadian Council of Churches, held at Split Laké, Manitoba. Miss Smith entered Covenant College in 1964, completed the two year course, leading to a diploma in .Christian Education and the degree of B.R.E. from Emmanuel College. She joined the staff of the Board of Women in June, 1966 as a travelling Secretary, and shared in the Field Work Pro- grams. A question and answer period took place, with everyone re- sponding to Miss Smith's-ready smile and quick wit, as well "as her thorough_knowledge_of- the" Bible, of her work and her boundless enthusiasm. A pot luc -M8-1471WKFP____ supper was-arrang-, ed by the ladies of the Community Church. "Rev. G. Husser was invited to pronounce Grace TERRACE BAY NEWS If you're planning to modernize your home, here's the place to begin. Modernizing your home can be a delightful experience. Home improvements can do a lot to hélp make your way of living better than ever. But before you start to. modernize, you should take care of one thing first: your household wiring.. If you begin your modernization. programme by re-wiring, almost everything about your home will suddenly seem better. You'll have all the electrical outlets you need. Your appliances will perform better, and you can add all the new ones you're ever likely to need without the annoyance of overloaded circuits or blown fuses. Re-wiring will let you take advantage of the new ideas in household lighting. With decorative exterior lighting you'll be able to enjoy patio living on pleasant summer evenings. You will, in fact, be opening the doors to the joys of all-electric living, including the quiet comfort of electric heating. Start modernizing -your home by re-wiring. THE HYDRO FINANCE PLAN-will let you re-wire your home right now. Call a qualified electrical contractor for details, or ask your-Hydro. After the dinner hour, Mrs. Clemens, assisted by Mrs. Fummertori, (Cont'd on page 8) ae --