PAGE 8 TERRACE BAY NEWS Council Quotes- cont'd from page 5 placement of some existing grave markers. He also suggested that garbage receptacles in the shopping area be painted and he asked for a motion to pur- chase six chair cushions for council chambers and asked that a suitable desk be installed ~* the Head of Council table for his use. -pnotos by Marg Lundberg Anne Didura (Left) and Jackie Calder (Right) of Terrace Bay Chapter, Women of the Moose, 1426, have recently returned from Chicago, Illinois, where they received their Caps and Gowns of the College of Regents Degree. There were 762 Women of the Moose who reseived this honor. ; ACROSS 1-High mountain 4-Head (abbr.) 6-Sharpen 11-Breed of Marvin. Osmar of Terrace Bay was the 6th week winner in the summer long Fish Derby at Rossport, Onterio. He caught a 3 lb. 9 oz. Trout, winning the O'Keefe weekly Trophy. -photo by L. Niiranen 15-Postscript (abbr.) 16-Prayers 18-Conjunction 19- Quiet! 21-Edible seed 22-Newts 24-Abound 26-Grate 28-Beverage 29-Eagle's nest 31-Under- ground part of plant 33-Man's nickname 34-Units 36-Top of house 38-Parent (colloq.) 40-Allowance for waste 42-Burdens 45-New Deal agency (init.) 47-Distance measure 49-Woody plant 50-Part of church 52-Father 54-.Printer's measure 55-Compass point 56-Platitude 59-Faroe Islands whirlwind 61-Tavern 63-Makes into law 65-Grants use of 66-A_ continent (abbr.) 67-Encountered DOWN 1-Snake 2-Holder of lease 3-Liquid measure (abbr.) 4-Medicinal plant GOLF NEWS The Terrace Bay Ladies Golf Club held a very successful Club Championship Tournament on August 17th, with the following results: Winner - Peggy Wellings; Runner-up - Isabel Ferrier; Low Net -Phy| Kelty; Runner-up - Aina Adamo; Low Gross for Ist Nine - Liz Burns; Low Gross for 2nd Nine - Julie Rattray; Low Net for Ist Nine - Olga Adamo; Low Net for 2nd Nine - Jan Hall. Results of the Ladies Tuesday Twilight - Low Gross Liz Burns; Low Net - Jeanette Gunter; Least Putts - Aina Adamo. Following the Mixed two-ball Foursome Tourna- ment this Thursday, weather permitting, there will be a weiner roast at the beach. Everyone bring own weiners and buns and all the fixings will be provided} 5-More arid 6-Patron 7-Sunburn 8-Ascend 9-Preposition 10-Pounding instrument 12-Preposition 14-Gave medicine to 17-District in Germany 20-Courageous person 23-Note of scale 24-Symbol for tantalum 25-After- dinner candy 27-Body of water 30-Weird 32-Sound a horn 35-Periods of year 37-Journey forth s | D < , o, oO > ; - 7 a PS AUGUST 22, Dr. and Mrs. D.J. Michael McCausland are happy to announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Susan to Mr. Harold Jens Hansen on Saturday, August 17th in the Terrace Bay Community Church 111 3] wil 71S S}2 [3] v[N[3 Om mos Of] =o) ju. {<fox [uy] [Oo] Ol uifwil a io fus [oft | [uy} ju |<] {Of 2! 1968 Syn} 3] clots SOLUTION -Groans 53- -Supplicate 57- - Decorate 58- -Lower in rank 60- -Compass point -Conjunction 48-Evaporates 51-Black pe) Bet |' 52%) SOK x SS o oO O oO RSIS <2 eae x ~ N 3 Pay o 2 7 4 Op $ ™~ Et | Se ie x SEH OOS? LPS Leta -900 Girl's name Staff Babylonian deity Superlative ending -French article (Roman number)