TORRACE BAY NEWS PAGE TERRACE BAY NEWS AM | | R&eeearaeegay BRIAN BIRCH : aL Wi te your ." 'alors Published every Thursday at the News Printing Plant, Post ys Office Building, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Phone 825-3747. AVS, So7 Deadline for advertisements: is NOON each Monday - other items Tuesday morning. Classified Ads - minimum charge 50¢ (20 words and under). Cards of Thanks and Announcements - minimum charge $1.00 - (30 words and under). Subscription rate - $2.50 per year. Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash. PHONE 640 or 332 - SCHREIBER FIRE-- AUTO & CASUALTY INSURANCE BRUCE SIMON NOTARY PUBLIC Schreiber phone 315 ADDITIONAL SECRETARY REQUIRED FOR SCHREIBER HIGH SCHOOL The Successful applicant should be a skilful typist; and be fully knowledgeable of general office procedure. Profi- ciency in shorthand will be considered an asset. Apply in writing to 3.C. Stewart. °rincipal, Schreiber High School, give full details of training and experience. Interviews will be arranged during the week of August 19th Duties to commence August 26th., 1968. CALL JEAN ROBERTS - 190 laurier Ave., for your North Ameri- can Feshior Frocks Coursellor for Terrace Bey and district; to see all the letest fashions. ' PHOTOGRAPES FOR /1. OCCASIONS - Children and family portraits Wedding portraits and albums. Black and white and/or color. For appointments, call LAURI*S PHOTOGRAPHY, 3729 evenings or 3719 days. WANTED IMEDIATELY - Man or woman to supply consumers in Terrace Bay, | Marathon and Schreiber with RAWLEIGH PRODUCTS. Can earn $50 weekly part time; $100 and up full time. Write Rewleigh, Dept. G-903-336, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. TENDERS Sealed Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for transportation of pupils to Schreiber High School from the Township Area of Rossport until 5 p.m. Saturday, July 20th, 1968. Route from Rossport to Schreiber High School for ap- proximately 60 miles per day end approximately 5 students. Applicant must heve a Chauffeur's Driving License for a pub- lic vehicle, Insurance, Medical Certificate. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. K. Paulmert, Sec-Treas. School Seo. #1 Rossport, Ontario. NOTICE - FLO'S BEAUTY SALON will be closed for holidays from July 4th to July 31st. FOR SALE - New house on Park Street - 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, washroom. For information phone 664 or 32 FOR RENT - four room apartment, electrically heated. Available gnytime. Phone 3365 after 5 p.m. TENDERS Sealed Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for repeirs to the Rossport Public School, until 5 p.m. Satur- day, July 20th, 1968. Roof to be covered with new roofing; ceiling and wells to be painted; one coat of varnish on all woodwork including desks; all broken bricks to be replaced and 2 more shelves added to supply cupboard. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Mrs. K. Paulmert, Sec-Treas. School Sec. #1 Rossport, Ontario. RELIABLE BABY SITTER AVAILABLE days or evenings. Phone 3248 NOTICE Effective immediately, Chas. W. Boon has been appointed By-law enforcement officer for the Town- ship of Schreiber. His duties are to enforce all local by-laws; metres; dogs running at large; children riding bicycles on sidewalks, etc. LAND WANTED Suitable for hunting or fishing, large or small acreage without buildings. State legal description, price and other details. L. McKee, Station K., Box 53, Yonge & Montgomery, Toronto, Ontario. Mrs. M. Jarva Clerk-Treasurer Township of Schreiber DRY CLEANING ; MAYTAG WASHERS - 25¢ PER LOAD p.m. Mon. through Sat. 8 LB. ean -< $3.00 LOADSTAR STEAM DRYERS = 10¢ for 10 min. SUPERIOR COIN LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS REAR OF SHOPPING PLAZA - TERRACE BAY - PHONE 825-9787