PAGE 4 _ Weatherproof Your Topcoat _ DELIVERIES AND PICK-UPS Let us clean, press and make your topcoat water-repellent, NOW | Pee h KENNEY HONORED BY PUPILS AY The students of St. Martin's School, Terrace Bay, presented a surprise concert af the High School Auditorium, Friday afternoon, in honor of Mr. Kenney's retirement as Principal of that school. The students and their teachers worked very hard to prac- tice their various acts, while Mr. Kenney wasn't looking. The concert opened with the singing of O Canada. First on the program was a Fashion Show featuring the Grade 8 girls, wearing saris loaned to them by Mrs. Deol, who recently came from India. Next - a play by pupils of Grade 2 - The Bell TERRACE BAY HIGH SCHOOL Commencement and Exercises RELATIVES AND FRIENDS OF THE 1967-68 GRADUATING CLASS AND ACADEMIC AWARD WINNERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES ON MONDAY, JUNE 24TH BEGINNING AT 7.30 IN THE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. FOLLOWING THE EXERCISES, THERE WILL BE A TEA AND RECEPTION. W.W. Rowsome, Principal . TERRACE BAY NEWS of Autry - directed by Mrs. Soughton. Miss Car- BIRCH MOTORS | Your DODGE & PLYMOUTH Dealer in Schreiber Ph. <4 CHRYSLER gan Wah Sevccite"cencen niato, with her grade 6 pupils, presented a Hip- pie version of Sleeping Beauty. This was follow- ed by an illustrated re-edition of There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. The afternoon kin- dergarten gave an Indian Pow Wow. Enacting a well known poem, Grade 7 pupils presented Casey at the Bat, directed by Mr. McAdam. Gra Grade 1 sang an Action Song, with Miss Bour- ret. Grade 5 presented Old McDonald had a farm, in song and pantomime, under Mr. Murphy's guidance. This was followed by a Rhythm Band Number, featuring the morning kindergarten, with Mrs. Stephen. The next number was a group reading by Grade 8 boys, under the leadership of Mrs. Rajotte. A choir made up of pupils from Grades 3 and 4, closed the program with songs and dances of many lands. Mr. Kenney was called to the platform, when Mark Regis expressed the good wishes of the whole school, upon his retirement, and a gift of a hunting -- jacket was presented by Helen Malashewski, on be= half of the students. ~ os Following a few words of thanks from Mr. Kenney the Choir sang "May the Good Lord Bless and Keep -- TASTY MEALS TO PLEASE ALL dead and BUDGETS a < ee St eae re aes RESTAURANT Corner Highway 17 and Mill Road TAKE-OUT ORDERS JUST cau 3723