Page 14 TERRACE BAY NEWS June 20, 1968 AUDITOR*S REPORT - PAGE 2 verified only at the amounts for which receipts have been issued by the seoretary-treasurer of the Committee. The gross 'profit on the sale of cigarettes appears to be mich lower than should be expected. RECREATION SNACK BAR The operation of the snack ber by the Recreation Committee was discontined on March 15, 1967, at which date the snack ber and smoke shop premises were leased to a private individual. A rental charge of $3,300.00 is included in 1967 expenditures. This charge was paid te the Recreation Committee to cover rental of snack bar premises in the recreation centre for 1967 and prior years. No portion of this rental was accrued in prior years as the decision to pay the rental was made in 1967. There was no effective control on snack ber receipts. AUDITOR'S OPINION We report that, in our opinion, subject to the applicable comments above, the financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the mmicipality, the audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Munioipel Affairs, and the attached statements present fairly the financial posi-. tion of the Municipality and its related Boards and Commissions as at December 31, 1967, and the results of their opera- tions for the year ended on that date. (Signed) Crawford, Reedhead & Ce. Chartered Accountants. Historical Plaque - Cont'd from front page the Fire Department Advisory Committee discussing fire department policy. The Police report was as follows: at 12.20a.m. on the morning of May 6th, while on patrol to Ski Hill, a fire was found to be burning in the grass on the west side of the building, which was also on fire to some extent. The Fire Department was noti- fied by radio, and responded quickly. One child was bitten by a dog on Superior Ave., and required doctors attention. The owner of the dog was con- nected, and informed that the dog would be shot on sight if caught running at large in the future. One person was charged with creating a disturbance &m the Terrace Bay Motor Hotel beverage room, con- victed and paid a fine of $25 and costs. Two per- sons appeared in court, charged with break, enter and theft of Recreation Centre and schools, and were remanded for one month at request of their lawyers. Three houses were looked after while oc- cupants were away on holiday, without incident. One car accident was investigated, resulting in the driver of one car being charged with drunk driving to appear in court in June. Two dogs were shot at owners requests, also cats. Fourteen cars were warned about having only one light, and one with a faulty muffler. Township accounts were as follows: Hydro - LS Miia ie the joton aioee te WabitaMden ake eéun of $9,206.67; Library - $546.41; Township - $8956.06 | the students of St. Martin's Separate School, who presented Recreation - $8,273.62. Se ee, eee, © Councillor Sinotte ee that flower beds ont'd on