PAGE 10 TERRACE BAY NEWS ' - MAY 9, 1968. SUGAR AND SPICE A eats iS This eolum is a reguler weekly feature prepared by the Fam- * 4ly Pinanciel Counselling Service of the Avco Delta Corpora- tien, P.0.Box 2820, London, Ontario. All questions submitter te the abeve address will be answered, in print or by re- turn mail. Nemes will not be used in print. However, all questions should be accompanied by a complete name and address. a1 Please, keep it simple Dear Sir: Recent personal events have convinced me -- --absolutely -- that I mst have a budget on whioh to live. 'Can you help me out with an ideal budget, perhaps with the various percentages of my total income which should be spent for the various spending categories. D. McD. In the first place, as an old printer, I swear it cost a mil- lion dollars to print. In the second, who needs it? The booklet is written in auditor's Don't be surprised if you hear of Chas. Whipp turning up in Rio de Janeiro under an assumed name, like Horace N. Buggie Whipp. No, I can't give you any percentage breakdowns (although there are plenty of places where you can get such percen- tage breakdowns), primarily because I don't believe in them. I believe that a budget is a very personal thing, de- signed te help families get the maximum satisfaction out of the dollars they have to spend. Therefore, I think it is ridiculous for one person to tell another how to spend his money. Instead, I suggest the following steps for the de- He's taking a terrible beat- ing on the polls, all the way from Chilliwack, B.C., and North Battleford, Sask., right down to the east coast. Maybe Charlie has received the same amount of mail on his poll, but I doubt it. And thanks, all you kind, warm peo- ple who took the time to en- language, which is second only to that of lawyers' incompre- hensibility. If it takes you 30 pages to tell you how to fill out your: income tax form, there's some- thing rotten in the state of Canada. Especially if you don't have a clue when you've fin-, ished reading it. ' velopment of a budget that will be tailored to your own needs and wants. First, determine exactly how you are spending your money. Keep an accurate record of every penny you spend for ene, no more than two months. Then categorize the way you have been spending your money, inte food, clothing, shelter, house operation (heat, light etc.), transportetion, savings and other. Then evalu- ate your spending categories, asking yourself this question: "Is this the way I want to spend my money?" Perhaps you will decide that you'd rather spend a little more for food and a little less fer clothing. Perhaps you'll decide that you want to save a little more than you have been saving and that you're willing to spend less for enter- teinment in order to save more. In any case, when you have finished your analysts of your spending, you will have arrived at dollar amounts -- within your income -- for each of the spending categories that will be most satisfactory to you. That is your tailor-made budget. Now, just one more word. From that point on, you need not do any penny counting. Just vow to stick to the limits which you have established in each of the spending categories and I have a suggestion for the' government. The booklet could be cut to half the size, and written in plain English, by any reasonably competent writ- er, with an auditor at his shoulder. And I can tell you something right now. The handy little | booklet is not designed to | "help" you. It's deliberately cloaked in language that the ordinary man does not under- stand. For the guy on a salary, it's | comparatively simple. His : deductions, however they hurt, . are made at source. But for the -- small businessman, the farmer, the contractor, it's a maze of pitfalls and pratfalls. . courage me to go on telling it as it is, and telling Charlie that . well, never mind. Let's drop it. He's probably a nice guy who has to snarl at some- body every so often to retain his sanity. I do. Like right now. My wife, who has been away at college for six months, is lying on the chesterfield. After half a year of cooking, I'm still doing it. She had an operation. But it wasn't on her mind. Or her tongue. They're as active as ever. My kid, who has about 20 days to avoid being a Grade 12 failure, and at the same time is supposed to be prepar- and you will be living within your budget ..-.Good Luck! KRREKKKAEKERKEKEKREKEKKKKKKKK KKK EK * ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE REPORT Total Duty Hours: 208 Highways & Secondary Roads Patrolled in Miles: 4,390 "INVESTIGATIONS: 1 = alleged esseult reported, later found to be unfounded 1 = théft of property, case still under investigation. dents reported, resulting in $980 2 - property damage acci damage 6 ~ oharges were laid under the Highway Traffic Act 45 - warnings were issued to motorists regarding infractions ef the Highway Traffic Act and Vehicle Defects. 66 ~ vehicles were given Safety Checks. 10 - transients were assisted in the form of Meal Tickets. M. Kulmatyeki . Mr. and Mrs. L. Paulsen of Terrace Bay celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Wednesday, May 8th, 1968 ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRES ing for her A.R.T.C. piano exam, is lying in thé sack, groaning, with a swollen gland and. fever. . My son left Monday for the wilds of Northern Quebec, to make his fortune. For the fourth time. With a little stake from Dad, just to get him started. Oh, well, there's always something togcheer you up. I've been in stitches, like sur- gical, since my wife decided to "do"? my income tax this year, and save the cost of an auditor. Right at the moment, we're thousands of dollars ahead of the game. It's a delirious feel- ing, but I don't think it will last. There are a couple of clauses she's not sure of. By the way, did you ever try, as an ordinary layman, to read one of those dandy little book- lets your friendly revenue de- partment is putting~out to "help" you? Here's a sample of the spark- ling prose of the revenuers. j It's entitled: BALANCE PAY- ABLE OR REFUND. It says, "As indicated on the T1 Gen- eral Form, your Balance is to be determined by subtracting from your Total Payable (Tax and/or Canada Pension Plan contribution Payable on Self- Employed Earnings) the total credits (Tax deducted per T4 | and T4A slips. Amounts paid by instalments and Canada Pension Plan Overpayment). What does that mean? And why the brackets? And why the capitals? It's not English. -- It's not comprehensible.: It's pure gobbley-gook. ; Ah, I guess I shouldn't get so annoyed. I can take it. I'm: still working. But my heart goes out to all those on the fringe, who've worked like dogs all their lives, and wind up with dog food.